Difference between revisions of "Awakening"

4 bytes removed ,  9 years ago
=== Basic Commands ===
The first and most important Command is the one that allows any human being to give their Breath to another human being: '''"My life to yours, my Breath become yours."'''
This movement of Breath is not technically part of the art of Awakening, but it is a vocal Command that moves Breath, and is the foundation for Awakening. This Command transfers all of a person's Breath at once no matter how many there are. An Awakener can also use this Command to store all of their Breath in an object to be retrieved later.
An [[Awakener]] when done with an Awakened object, can retrieve the [[Breath]] used by touching the object and speaking the Command '''"Your Breath to mine."'''
Note that only the Awakener who Awakened the object can retrieve Breath from it. This Command does not work on anything that the Breath has stuck to too strongly (e.g. corpses).
