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In Awakening, the exact wording of the Command is important. An Awakener could, for example, give a piece of rope the Command "Hold things" so it will wrap itself around objects, but this will likely result in the rope simply wrapping itself around the [[Awakener]]'s hand. The Command "Hold things when thrown" is more useful and only slightly more complex.
=== Basic Commands ===
An [[Awakener]] can retrieve the Breath from an object he Awakened used by touching the object and speaking the Command ''"Your Breath to mine."''
Note that only the Awakener who Awakened the object can retrieve Breath from it. This Command also does not work on anything that the Breath has stuck to too strongly (e.g. corpses).
=== Simple Commands ===
*"Protect me" (both Vivenna and Vasher are seen using this Command on their cloaks)
*"Attack and grab Denth!" (while this contains two commands, one can easily see the visualization for both being rather the same, so this is probably a simple Command. On the other hand, Vivenna is of the royal line and so Awakening is said to come easier to her; this Command may have been more complex than it seems)
=== Advanced Commands ===