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== BioChromatic hosts ==
An Awakened object acts as a host for the BioChromatic Breath used to Awaken it. Some types of objects more readily accept Breaths than others, making them easier to Awaken. Receptivity to Breath depends on the object's shape, its history, and the material it is made of. Generally, Awakening inorganic objects made of metal or stone is very difficult, requiring extremely large amounts of Breath. Organic objects, especially those shaped like living things, are much easier to Awaken.
Generally, Awakening inorganic objects that have never been part of a living thing is very difficult, requiring extremely large amounts of Breath. Organic objects, especially those shaped like living things, are much easier to Awaken.
On the other hand, closer proximity to a living form makes it harder to retrieve Breaths from an Awakened host. For example, one generally can no longer recover the Breaths one used on a corpse.
In between the two extremes of inorganic objects and dead bodies, there are also organic objects that are far removed from having been alive, things like organic textiles (e.g. cloth, rope, etc.). These have the advantage of requiring less Breath to Awaken than inorganic objects while at the same time allowing for Breath recovery. Such objects are called '''Type III BioChromatic entities''', and are understandably the most common type of BioChromatic host entities created. However, other types of BioChromatc hosts canare alsogenerally bemore very usefulpowerful.
=== Dead bodies ===
