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Burning [[duralumin]] with atium will allow Allomancers to see farther into the future, by allowing them to peer into the [[Spiritual Realm]].{{book ref|mb3|81}}{{msh ref|6|9}}{{wob ref|3610}} The same effect can occur if a Hemalurgist has enough spikes enhancing their atium.{{wob ref|3610}} Aluminum objects do not generate atium shadows.{{wob ref|6870}} Atium does not enable a person to anticipate emotional Allomancy.{{wob ref|9038}}
Unlike other God Metals, atium does not allow non-Allomancers to burn it, thought the reasons for this are unknown.{{wob ref|416}}{{wob ref|6322}}{{wob ref|13225}}
=== Savantism ===
