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== Appearance and Personality ==
The Stump is an elderly woman who is very stern{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}. Many of the children in the orphanage don't like her and neither do most of the surrounding urchins.{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}. Despite this, Arshqqam looks fondly upon the children noting they gave her the nickname of the "The Stump" and calling it a "glorious title, to come from children". {{book ref|sa4|21}} She does, however, also like her original name.{{book ref|sa4|21}}
[[Lift]] describes her as a shriveled up weed of a woman. Further, she says that the woman looks like the child of a broom and a particularly determined clump of moss. According to Lift, the woman's skin drips off her bones like something one might hack up after catching the crud in the slums, and ... she has spindly fingers that Lift figures might otherwise be twigs she'd glued in place after her real ones fell off.{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}
[[Lift]] describes her as a shriveledshrivelled up weed of a woman. Further, she says that the woman looks like the child of a broom and a particularly determined clump of moss. According to Lift, "the woman's skin drips off her bones like something one might hack up after catching the crud in the slums, and ... she has spindly fingers that Lift figures might otherwise be twigs she'd glued in place after her real ones fell off".{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}} In turn, once joining the Knight's Radiant, the Stump confesses she is fond of Lift though feels Lift needs a "firm hand". {{book ref|sa4|21}}
The Stump is an elderly woman who is very stern{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}. Many of the children in the orphanage don't like her and neither do most of the surrounding urchins.{{book ref|Edgedancer|6}}.
Arshqqam didn't want to leave her life in Tashikk behind but felt compelled to join the Knight's Radiant once her powers manifested. She did not understand why she in particular was chosen given her advanced age but if Lift, a child, was doing joining the cause, she felt there was no excuse for her. {{book ref|sa4|21}}
Veil looks favourably on the Stump, commenting that there is more to the Stump than the surface level would suggest. She notes Arshqqam's careful yet understated attention to her appearance and the ease with which she is able to discuss strategy with Adolin, a powerful man, without being intimidated.{{book ref|sa4|34}}
== History ==