Difference between revisions of "Ambition"

4 bytes added ,  7 years ago
("unertain" changed to "uncertain")
== History ==
The Shard Ambition was created when [[Adonalsium]] was Shattered by a group of people on [[Yolen]].{{msh ref|3|2}} One of the people that had helped Shatter Adonalsium took up Ambition and Ascended, later making its way to the [[Threnodite]] system, where it is uncertain whether or not it Invested itself in the system.{{book ref|arcanum unbounded}} Ambition may have settled on the planet [[Threnody]] for some time, where some measure of Investiture was in existence, although its origin is unknown. Shortly after the Shattering, the Shard [[Odium]] arrived in the system. Ambition and Odium fought one another in the space between the planets, struggling in all three [[Realmatic Theory|Realms]]. Odium gained the upper hand, mortally wounding Ambition and tearing off chunks of its power, which altered the people of Threnody, as well as the planets in the system. Ambition managed to escape the system, but it was killed and [[Splinter|Splintered]] in another location, likely finished off by Odium.
== Influence ==
Anonymous user