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==God Metals==
===Atium (External)===
Previously thought to only be a higher metal, it is also revealed in the third book ([[Mistborn: The Hero of Ages]]) that [[Atium]] is actually the physical form of the god Ruin that Preservation locked away when he placed Ruin in the Well of Ascension.
Atium is the most valuable metal in the world, and it is slowly mined from [[The Pits of Hathsin]]. The metal is mined by prisoners of the Lord Ruler, as using Allomancy near the Atium-producing crystals shatters them. This metal allows the Mistborn to see a few seconds into the future, thereby allowing them to anticipate the moves of an opponent. It also enhances the mind to cope with and understand these new insights, effectively turning a Mistborn invincible for a short time. Atium burns very quickly.
===Malatium (External)===
[[Malatium]] is an alloy of Atium and gold which allows an Allomancer to see who another person was in the past. This metal is referred to in legend as the Eleventh Metal.
===Larasium (Internal)===
A[[Larasium]] is greenish metallic bead that allows the burner (which can be anyone) to become a Mistborn, allowing them access to all of the Allomantic metals. These beads are the source of all Mistborn, and this trait ends up being genetic, whereby the descendants of a Mistborn have a chance of becoming either a Mistborn or a Misting without the need of burning Larasium. These descendants are not born with the ability of Allomancy, and will show no signs until some traumatic event causes them to 'snap' there by allowing them the ability to burn allomantic metals.
Pure Larasium when ingested will turn the user into a Mistborn, where as Larasium that is alloyed with one of the other 16 Allomantic metals will turn the user into a Misting of the metal used to alloy. Sanderson has stated in the annotations to the novels that this is not the 'primary' use of Larasium, and that it would have an entirely different effect if burned by a Mistborn.