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==God Metals==
===Atium (External)===
Previously thought to only be a higher metal, it is also revealed in the third book ([[Mistborn: The Hero of Ages]]) that [[Atium]] is actually the physical form of the god Ruin that Preservation locked away when he placed Ruin in the Well of Ascension. It is described as being a dark, beadlike bit of metal.
Atium is the most valuable metal in the world, and it is slowly mined from the [[Pits of Hathsin]]. The metal is mined by prisoners of the Lord Ruler, as using Allomancy near the Atium-producing crystals shatters them. This metal allows the Mistborn to see a few seconds into the future, thereby allowing them to anticipate the moves of an opponent. It also enhances the mind to cope with and understand these new insights, effectively turning a Mistborn invincible for a short time. Atium burns very quickly.