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The assembly hall was in the former Steel Ministry Canton of Finance headquarters. It was a low-ceilinged space, more of a large lecture room than an assembly hall. There were rows of benches fanning out in front of a raised stage. On the right side of the stage, Elend had constructed a tier of seats for the Assembly members. On the left of the stage, he had constructed a single lectern for speakers. woa ch 10
you. What did the Ministry teach about the Deepness and the Lord Ruler?” Elend shrugged. “Not much, really. Religion wasn’t forbidden, but it wasn’t encouraged either. There was something proprietary about the Ministry, an air that implied they would take care of religious things—that we didn’t need to worry ourselves.” “But they did teach you about some things, right?” Elend nodded. “Mostly, they talked about why the nobility were privileged and the skaa cursed. I guess they wanted us to understand how fortunate we were—though honestly, I always found the teachings a little disturbing. See, they claimed that we were noble because our ancestors supported the Lord Ruler before the Ascension. But, that means that we were privileged because of what other people had done. Not really fair, eh?” woa ch 14
woa ch 14
Finished HoA epigraphs and WoA "ministry"
finished woa "obligator"
The Conventical was a Ministry stronghold to the south—a place where the Inquisitors and high obligators of the Lord Ruler’s religion had retreated after the Collapse. woa ch 7
finished woa "religion"
hoa "religion"
people ready to accept obligator as a leader-yomen gave normalcy hoa ch 27
canton of resource in fadrex(blocky and utilitarian)-largest of ministry buildings in city bc FC acted as way station between lutah and cities to west. regional canton of resource hq. city not important enough to attract orthodoxy or inquisition-the most powerful departments. Yomen-head of CoR, means top religious authority. hoa ch 27
locations of cminstry buildings: he first cavern discovered is beneath Luthadel itself.[1] The other caverns are in Statlin City,[1] Urteau,[2] Vetitan,[3] and Fadrex City[3] and discovered in this order. '''look up details on each building'''
Urteau cache under Inquisition building. Quellion didn't burn or ransack any minsitry building, just board up. Scared of inquisitors? broad and imposing like most ministry offices. built of wood as typical of urteau. tapestries, red rugs, metal trim, hearths in every room. admins collecting info on houses, skaa rebels and other cantons hoa ch 29
saying in ministry "sit down to dine with evil, and you will ingest it in your meal." hoa ch 32
PRogress: now on Hoa "ministry" pg 307
