Talk:Ten Essences

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Revision as of 18:55, 9 December 2023 by Truthwatch3r (talk | contribs) (reply)
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Correlation to SprenEdit

I found this to be insightful and interesting. Not sure how to include it in a regular section without getting to meta but since this isn't Brandon answering it feels too speculative for a development section given that we don't know if this is like the feruchemy chart or intended from the beginning to not line up perfectly. But spren appearances seem to on the nose to just be coincidental in regards to this chart. Lacrossedeamon (talk) 09:54, 4 December 2023 (UTC)

Since Peter said, "feel free to quote me on this," I feel like that can give us a little more confidence in adding it. This wob is referenced already in the section about Vorinism (probably you already saw that), and as I look at the page as it stands, I could see a bit more from the wob fitting into that section as an explanation. For instance, you could add a statement about the spren that some of the orders of Radiants bond with correlating somewhat with the Essences associated with that order, or however you want to word it, leading into a statement making it clear that the table of essences was crafted by Rosharans observing their world and trying to understand a system to it - and are therefore not exact correlations. That feels like it can still be something written in-world (not too meta), as we can look back at historical attempts to understand our world and know that people weren't exactly right. -- Truthwatch3r (talk) 18:55, 9 December 2023 (UTC)
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