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== Mechanics ==
Maybe not the right name for this, but we need a place for trends and notable exceptions in how Invested Arts work. Perception, Intention, maybe throw Initiation in here as a subsection instead of it getting its own h2. Basically everything in the Elantris Ars Arcanum.
=== Initiation ===
[[Initiation]] is the process by which a person is chosen to gain the ability to access a manifestation of [[Investiture]] (and/or the process of actually gaining such access).{{book ref|elantris|part=ars}} [[Vessel]]s can choose to alter how Initiation for their Shard's magic works to some extent, subject to some limitations determined by the underlying mechanics.{{wob ref|2716}} The method of Initiation varies between different manifestations, but there are [[cosmere]]-wide principles underlying the different methods: in order for a person to be Initiated, it is generally necessary for their soul to have some degree of "damage", creating cracks in their [[spiritweb]] that Investiture can rush into and fill, thereby linking them to the magic.{{wob ref|4597}} Some magic systems make it much easier than others to achieve this.{{wob ref|2716}}