Difference between revisions of "The Stormlight Archive/Back Cover Text"

''The [[Immortal Words|ancient oaths]] have at last been spoken; the [[spren]] return. Men seek that which was lost. I fear the struggle will destroy them.
''It is the nature of the magic. A broken soul has cracks into which [[Nahel bond|something else]] can be fit. [[Surgebinding]]s, the powers of creation themselves. They can brace a broken soul; but they can also widen its fissures.
'''''[[Kaladin|The Windrunner]]''', lost in a [[Shattered Plains|shattered land]], balanced upon the boundary between vengeance and honor. '''[[Shallan Davar|The Lightweaver]]''', slowly being consumed by her past, searching for the lie that she must become. '''[[Dalinar Kholin|The Bondsmith]]''', born in blood and death, striving to rebuild what was destroyed. '''[[Eshonai|The Explorer]]''', straddling the fates of two peoples, forced to choose between slow death and a terrible betrayal of all she believes.
