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|That was common across many of the flavors and varieties of power around the cosmere. Commands, oaths, incantations…any way to focus your will, your Intent, and project it to the Investiture.
|[[Nomad]]'s explanation of Commands[[Command]]s{{book ref|tsm|21}}
'''Commands''' are words or phrases used to focus Intent when attempting to impose the practitioner's will upon Investiture.{{book ref|tsm|21}} The concepts of [[Command]] and Intent are fundamentally intertwined. While a person's Intent more broadly encompasses what they are trying to accomplish, the Command is the narrower words they use to express that Intent. For example, if someone creates an [[Awakening|Awakened]] object with the instructions "fetch keys," the Command is exactly that whereas the Intent would include the Awakener's broader desire to escape whatever is imprisoning them and be free. The words of the Command help focus the Intent, but, depending on the Invested Art involved, the skill of the person making the Command, and other factors, the Investiture involved can also understand the broader Intent involved, not just the Command. Even people who are relatively knowledgeable about the mechanics of the cosmere, like [[Vasher]], will conflate the Command and its associated Intent, and most of the time there is not much of an appreciable difference, though it is important for the cosmere overall that the Intent is understood and not bound by the limited form of the Command.{{wob ref|14636}}
Commands are not equally important in all Invested Arts. In [[Allomancy]] and [[AonDor]], other mechanics exist to impose will upon Investiture. Metals in Allomancy act as a key or focus that determines which effect is created by the user. In AonDor, the effects of the power are determined by the shape of the [[Aon]] drawn. These focuses have a similar effect to Commands in how they focus power, but it is done on the scale of the magic system as a whole rather than the individual.{{wob ref|14878}}
=== Initiation ===