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*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Khrissalla]] (Point of View)
*[[Jon Acron]]
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Lokmlen]] (mentioned only)
*[[Tain]] (appearance only)
*[[VeyGennel]] (mentioned only)
*[[Sharezan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Wilheln]] (mentioned only)
*[[Skathan]] (mentioned only)
*[[Lord Mason|Lady Mason]] (mentioned only)
*[[Raagent]] (mentioned only)
*[[Vey]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
Kenton and Ais fight the assassins, Ais with her [[zinkall]] and Kenton using his sand to throw tables. Aarik calmly sits through the battle, eating his food, until a "waiter" walks in front of him and raises his zinkall towards Kenton. Aarik grabs the man by his firing arm and hauls him over the table. The fight is winding down when one of the assassins runs over to Khriss, grabs her, and raises his zinkall to her head, threatening to kill her if anyone moves. Suddenly, Acron appears and shoots the man in the chest with a pistol. Khriss asks him why he has the pistol since she gave it to Cynder and not him. He is in a state of shock and mumbles an excuse. Aarik and Khriss go over to him to help him calm down. Ais remarks that she is surprised that assassins would attack on that day in violation of the rules written in the [[KerKor]].
:''The Restaurant''
Kenton and Ais fight the assassins, Ais with her [[zinkall]] and Kenton using hismasters sand to throw tables. Aarik calmly sits through the battle, eating his food, until a "waiter" walks in front of him and raises his zinkall towardstoward Kenton's back. Aarik grabs the man by his firing arm and hauls him over the table. The fight is winding down when one of the assassins runs over to KhrissKhrissalla, grabs her, and raises his zinkall to her head, threatening to kill her if anyone moves. Suddenly, Acron appears and shoots the man in the chest with a pistol. Khriss asksfirst himthinks whythat heBaon has thereturned, pistolthen sincenotices sheProfessor gaveAcron itwith toGevin's Cynderold andpistol notthat him.she Hehad isgiven into aProfessor stateCynder. ofAcron, shockout andof mumblessorts anfrom excuse.the Aariknoise and Khrisshaving gokilled overa toperson, him to help him calm down. Ais remarkssays that shesomebody ishad surprisedto thatcarry assassinsit wouldfor attackher onsafekeeping. that day in violation of the rules written in the [[KerKor]].
Aarik and Khriss go over to him to help him calm down. Kenton considers it his fault for endangering his friends and allies, and notes that the assassins are getting sneakier, and some of the disguised assassins hadn't even worn the assassins mark with their DaiKeen symbol. He then asks why Ais had been so sure that there woud be no attempt that day. Ais remarks that she is surprised that assassins would attack in violation of the rules written in the [[KerKor]], and that attacks may only happen on odd-numbered days in the Kerztian calendar. She mentions only somebody who has not read KerKor closely could make such a mistake. She tells Kenton she must stay to supervise the crime scene, but privately thinks that she wants a closer look at the damage done by the device used by the professor to kill the last assassin. While looking over the scene she finds a note to her that had been missed in the ruckus—an anonymous informer wants to meet her at the warehouse where she raided Lokmlen and will testify in exchange for protection.
:''Kezare Streets''
As the remaining party gathers outside to return to the Diem, Kenton ruminates on how resposibility weighs on his morality and that he was considering blackmail, even though that is counter to his goals of helping the Diem change so that it can help the people of Lossand. He wonders if Aarik originally left because of the weight of responsibility he felt as the Lord General's heir. N'Teese arrives, saying that the Lord Beggar, Nilto, is ready to see Khriss, and the two of them go to meet with him. Acron abruptly breaks off from Aarik and Kenton and runs after Khriss to protect her.
With N'Teese translating, Khriss asks Nilto to find Baon for her. Nilto asks Khriss if this person is so important to her because he is a lover. She says that he is just a friend. Nilto says that he is very busy but if he hears anything he will let her know and expects a reward.
:''The Diem''
Kenton wonders if using overmastery to further increase his power is worth the risk of burning out. Ais arrives to tell Kenton that she has to leave for Hall duties. When Kenton asks which Hall duties, she confesses that she is to meet with a former associate of Sharezan's who wants to defect. Kenton manipulates Ais into allowing him to accompany her. She mentions that he may come if he promises not to embarass her.
On their way, they make a stop at Ais's house so she can leave a note for her husband since she will be in harm's way. Kenton waits outside while Ais is inside. Kenton realizes he never considered if she had a family and Ais confesses that she tried to send them away for protection, but her husband would not listen. When Kenton tries to offer reassurances, she admonishes him that he has no idea how dangerous the criminal underground can be. While they are inside the meeting place, Ais hears someone with a limp climbing the stairs, and assumes it to be Nilto. Realizing the meeting may be a trap, she and Kenton jump out the window to safety as the building explodes behind them. Ais says the building must have been rigged with napthani flame, and Kenton remarks they have more in common then they thought, since somebody must want Ais dead too.
:''Lonzare—The Docks''
N'Teese brings Khriss a message from Nilto, saying that he is leaving town and won't be able to look for Baon. Khriss chases down Nilto at the docks of Kezare, accompanied by Acron and N'Teese. Upon seeing him, she calls out to him with the name '''''"Gevin."''''' Nilto begrudgingly admits that he is indeed Prince Gevaldin. Khiss mentions that when Wilheln wrote to say that he had 'died,' he hadn.t mentioned ''where'' the prince had been shot. When Gevin asks what gave him away, Khriss tells him that even though he was speaking Lossandin, she recognized that he called her '''''"Khriss"''''' the last time they met. Gevin explains that he is hiding from Skathan's assassins and is no longer interested in returning to Darkside.
Acron pushes past Khriss and raises his pistol to point at Gevin, saying that he is completing his mission of killing Gevin. Suddenly, a crate of fruit falls onto Acron, and Baon reveals himself. During the ensuing conversation, Acron, who is still lying on the ground, raises his gun again and fires—grazing Baon and knocking him over. Khriss and Gevin run away through the maze of shipping crates, each of them going in a different direction. Acron, not realizing they had separated, chases after Khriss. She climbs up to the control station of the dock's crane and uses it to knock Acron off of the pier and into the water. Gevin approaches and remarks that Khriss protected him after what he had said, but she is also the one to lead Skathan's assassins to him. He reiterates that he plans to stay on Dayside where is he is both wanted and useful.
N'Teese arrives, saying that the Lord Beggar, Nilto, is ready to see her, and the two of them go to meet with him. Acron abruptly breaks off from Aarik and Kenton and runs after Khriss. Khriss asks Nilto to find Baon for her. Nilto tells N'Teese to tell '''''"Khriss"''''', using her nickname instead of her full name, Khrissala, that he is very busy but if he hears anything he will let her know.
Khriss returns to N'Teese and Baon, where he explains that while he was indeed an agent of Skathan, he was also hired to protect Khriss and his two missions were not incompatible. For the Dynasty he was supposed to report on if Sand Mastery was a threat to them. However, he was also hired to protect her—and he takes both oaths seriously. So he continued to watch her group because he could not be sure if Acron or Cynder was the other Dynastic spy. With the loss of Acron, she asks Baon if he is willing to resume his old post. He is.
Ais tells Kenton that she has to leave to meet with a former associate of Sharezan's who wants to defect, and Kenton tags along. On their way, they make a stop at Ais's house, where Kenton waits outside while Ais is inside. When they are inside the meeting place, Ais hears someone with a limp climbing the stairs, incorrectly assumes it to be Nilto, and correctly realizes it is a trap. She and Kenton jump out the window to safety as the building explodes behind them.
N'Teese brings Khriss a message from Nilto, saying that he is leaving town and won't be able to look for Baon. Khriss chases down Nilto to the docks of [[Kezare]], accompanied by Acron and N'Teese. Upon seeing him, she calls out to him with the name '''''"Gevin"'''''. Nilto begrudgingly admits that he is indeed prince Gevin. Khriss tells him that he gave himself away when he called her '''''"Khriss"''''' instead of '''''"Khrissalla"'''''. Gevin explains that he is hiding from Skathan's assassins and is no longer interested in returning to Darkside. Acron pushes past Khriss and raises his pistol to point at Gevin, saying that he is completing his mission of killing Gevin. Suddenly, a crate of fruit falls onto Acron, and Baon reveals himself. During the ensuing conversation, Acron, still lying on the ground, raises his gun again and fires, grazing Baon on the ground and knocking him over. Khriss and Gevin run away through the maze of shipping crates, each of them going in a different direction. Acron chases after Khriss, who climbs up to the control station of the dock's crane and uses it to knock Acron off of the pier and into the water. Baon explains that while he was indeed an agent of Skathan, he was also hired to protect Khriss, and his two missions were not incompatible. He says that after his mission from the [[Dynasty]] to investigate the threat of the sand masters was complete, he no longer had reason to disguise his mission, and when Khriss fired him, he continued to watch her from the shadows waiting for one the professors, whichever it was, to make their move so he could protect her.
:''The Diem''
Kenton is meeting with Dirin, who was told that the Lady Mason is willing to vote for the Diem because of Kenton's actions in saving her workers on the construction site, as well as caring for their well-being. Khrissalla arrives and tells Kenton what happened with Gevin, Baon, and Acron. Baon and Cynder arrive, and Cynder asks if what happened with Jon is true. Baon explains the situation, including why he killed Captain Deral and the lieutenant: who were planning to sell their party to the Dynasty patrol. He was forced to act to protect both of their missions.
Aarik arrives bearing the news that the Lord General and the Lord Merchant are both missing. Ais confirms that because Kenton needs a unanimous vote that if there is even one abstained vote due to nonattendance, then his case to save the Diem will fail. Kenton asks Khriss if she would like to provide diplomatic support on a visit to the Lord Farmer tomorrow.
Back at the Diem, Khriss tells Kenton what happened with Gevin, and Baon explains his situation. Aarik arrives bearing the news that the [[Lord General]], Raagent, and the [[Lord Merchant]], Vey, are both missing and with the Taishin vote only four days away, if they are not found quickly, the Diem will be doomed.
{{anchor|Chapter 15}}
