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:''The Kerla''
Kenton, a weak but skilled [[sand mastery|sand master]], is determined to run the Mastrell's Path in order to prove that he deserves the highest rank among the sand masters. His father, [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] [[Praxton]], objects strongly due to Kenton's lack of strength, and the two argue bitterly. Kenton has stubbornly refused advancement in the past, not wanting to settle for a lower rank that will prevent him from inciting change in the Diem. [[Undermastrell]] [[Elorin]] warns Kenton of the danger but permits him to test himself against the Path. Elorin explains how the challenge works: Kenton must make his way across the [[Kerla]] in a limited time and collect five red spheres along the way. He may bring only one [[qido]] of water with him. Praxton complains that Kenton should not be allowed to bring a sword, but Elorin allows it as it is not explicitly forbidden by the rules.
Kenton, a weak but skilled [[sand mastery|sand master]], is determined to run the Mastrell's Path in order to prove that he deserves the highest rank among the sand masters. His father, [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] [[Praxton]], objects strongly due to Kenton's lack of strength, and the two argue bitterly. Kenton, knowing that once a Sand Master accepts a rank they can no longer advance to new ranks, has stubbornly refused advancement in the past. He does not want to settle for a lower rank that will prevent him from inciting change in the Diem.
Kenton, a weak but skilled [[sand mastery|sand master]], is determined to run the Mastrell's Path in order to prove that he deserves the highest rank among the sand masters. His father, [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]] [[Praxton]], objects strongly due to Kenton's lack of strength, and the two argue bitterly. Kenton has stubbornly refused advancement in the past, not wanting to settle for a lower rank that will prevent him from inciting change in the Diem. [[Undermastrell]] [[Elorin]] warns Kenton of the danger but permits him to test himself against the Path. Elorin explains how the challenge works: Kenton must make his way across the [[Kerla]] in a limited time and collect five red spheres along the way. He may bring only one [[qido]] of water with him. Praxton complains that Kenton should not be allowed to bring a sword, but Elorin allows it as it is not explicitly forbidden by the rules. As he begins the Mastrell's Path, Kenton reflects on the day he was admitted into the Diem.
As he begins the Mastrell's Path, Kenton reflects on the day he was admitted into the Diem. Traiben displayed potential and Drile, son of [[Reenst Rile]], is mentioned as showing the most potential seen in years. They comment that it was a strong year of [[Diem#Organization|Recruit]]s until it is Kenton's turn. He displayed only the smallest measure of potential in sand mastery, a fact which embarrassed his father. He joined despite protests from his father that he should pursue another profession; as Kenton argues that the law says he cannot be prohibited from entering the Diem as an Acolent.
:''Flashback—Eight Years ago''
As he begins the Mastrell's Path, Kenton reflects on the day he was admitted into the Diem. Traiben displayeddisplays potential and Drile, son of [[Reenst Rile]], is mentioned as showing the most potential seen in years. They comment that it was a strong year of [[Diem#Organization|Recruit]]s until it is Kenton's turn. He displayeddisplays only the smallest measure of potential in sand mastery, a fact which embarrassedembarrasses his father. He joinedjoins despite protests from his father that he should pursue another profession; as Kenton argues that the law says he cannot be prohibited from entering the Diem as an Acolent.
:''Now—The Kerla''
On the Mastrell's Path, Kenton collects the first two spheres quickly, and is ridiculed by the watching Mastrell's when he has to improvise climbing a cliff instead of soaring on the sand - a technique that helps him find the third, and most often missed, sphere. Kenton notices the discoloration of previously mastered sand to quickly locate the fourth sphere while he thinks about how he makes up for lack of power with his skill, precision, and speed.
:''Day 4343—The Kerla''
Duchess Khrissalla and company have learned they were overcharged for their guide, as the only word Daazk knows of Dynastic is "ahoy." She tries asking him how to find water for their dwindelling supplies, but panics when he tries to dump a canteen of water into the sand. They approach a village on the outskirts of [[Esh'Ker'Losh]] but do not stop to ask questions or find supplies because of the aggressive stares and brandished weapons ([[zinkall]]in) they see. While Baon and the professors debate the type of weapons they are and their level of technology, Flennid admonishes Torth to stay alert to the hostile nature of the locals and keeps his hand on his hidden pistol as they pass.
:''The Kerla''
Kenton is woken by Mastrell Traiben, who he initially mistakes for [[Aarik]], and discovers it is the next day. Kenton also learns that the sixth sphere was not part of the test—it must have been left over from a previous test run. In fact, few sand masters are even able to obtain all five spheres, with Traiben only finding three of the five. Undermastrell Elorin informs Kenton that he is considered to have ruined the test by killing the deep sandling which was always made to guard the final sphere.
Lord Mastrell Praxton opens the ceremony by offering the rank of Lestrell to [[Reendel]]. After most of new ranks and sashes have been bestowed, Drile is called before the Lord Mastrell and, for the first time in Diem history, demoted to [[Diemfen]], which he angrily accepts. Kenton is then presented with an [[Underfen]] sash, the lowest rank, because he disobeyed his father's orders by taking the test. Kenton refuses the sash. His father then indicates Drile's former Mastrell's sash on the ground and advances Kenton to Mastrell, but remarks that the others will always hate him for apparent nepotism and will never believe that he deserves the rank.
The Lord Mastrell is suddenly struck with an arrow, and a battle ensues. [[Kerzta|Kerztian]] warriors attack by surprise in great numbers and the sand masters are unprepared. Kenton notices the warriors bear the 'X' of the warrior [[DaiKeen]], but as a scar instead of the traditional tattoo. Kenton also notices that the sand masters seem to be [[overmastery|overmastering]] and dehydrating remarkably fast. Kenton tries to rally the sand masters and help the wounded, but they are unable to stop the hordes of warriors who have come against them. The Lord Mastrell screams loudly and begins glowing with power. Kenton wonders if his father is trying to protect him by drawing attention from the warriors. As his final act, Praxton [[Sand_mastery#Overburn|Overburns]] by releasing a tremendous barrage of power that leaves himself deadstruck toby numerous arrows and giving his life to his final mastery; while Kenton and most of the remaining Kerztian warriors are buried beneath athe huge wave of sand Praxton Commands.
{{anchor|Chapter 3}}
;Plot Summary
:''The Kerla''
Kenton awakens and emerges from the sand sometime after the battle has ended. The Kerztians are gone and only dead sand masters remain. He crawls to a nearby tent and passes out again.
:''Day 4747—The Kerla''
Duchess Krissalla spots tents from a distance using her telescope. In an effort to find water, Flennid and Torth ride ahead to find a sand field with everybody dead. When the rest of the party arrives, Daazk identifies the dead sand masters and, crying [[Diem|Ry'Kensha]], flees in a panic. Believing that their guide is calling for an ambush, Flennid shoots Daazk, for which Baon admonishes him for killing thier chance to survive traveling the Kerla. While Khriss, Baon and the Professors take stock of supplies in an empty tent, Flennid and Torth steal the remaining water and abandon them to ride back toward port.
:''The Kerla''
While searching the other tents for additional supplies, Kenton is found and awakened by Baon and Professor Cynder. Cynder brings the Duchess Khrissalla and Professor Acron while Baon gives Kenton some of their remaining water. At first they believe he cannot understand them, but Baon recognizes that Kenton thanked him in Dynastic while he was recovering. Kenton is puzzled that they can be low on water when they are not in the desert yet, and he explains how to find [[dorim vine]]s. While saying his farewells to the field of the dead, Kenton realizes Drile never drank the water and thinks it means Drile must have betrayed the Diem.
Kenton agrees to lead Khriss's party to a village for supplies and then on to Lossand. Khriss reveals along the way that she is searching for the "sand mages", though Kenton does not know the word "mage." When Khriss elaborates and says that "they rule Lossand" hebe believes she means the [[Taishin]].
:''Two Days LaterLater—The Border''
They arrive in a village and as they restock on supplies Kenton discovers that sand masters are not well liked in the area because of recent political pressure from the Kerztians. The A'Kar has claimed to have wiped out the Ry'Kensha in an effort to become king in the upcoming [[Choosing]]. He also learns that he is not the only sand master to have survived the battle. Kenton explains how the religious schism in worshipping the [[Sand Lord]] between [[Kerzt]] and [[Lossa]] is believed to have begun, separating the nations of Kerzta and Lossand. Before the party can leave the villageleaving a young pickpocket accidentally reveals Kenton's Mastrell's sash; which is noticed by some local Kerztian warriors.
:''Two Days LaterLater—The Desert''
After leaving the village, Kenton trades questions with Khriss, explaining that the start of the desert (a lack of dorim vines) marks the border of Lossand. She, in turn, explains who Gevin was and his search for "Sand Mages." Baon notes that Kenton continues to watch for "followers." Just as Kenton believes he is mistaken, since they have officially entered the Desert without incident, they are ambushed by Kerztian warriors. Most of them attack Kenton who tries to defend himself with his sand mastery, but he finds that his powers are not working.
*High [[Lady Judge]] [[Heelis]]
*[[Lord Merchant]] [[Vey]]
*[[N'Teese]] (mentioned only)
*[[Hoid]] (appearance only)
:''Lossand Desert''
Baon kills two of the warriors with his gun then threatens another. The remaining warriors retreat. Upon inspecting the dead warriors, Kenton notes that they bear the marks of both warrior and priest DaiKeen on their foreheads. He remarks that their shaved heads and lack of armor are an oddity. During the attack, the others in the group had remained on their [[tonk]]s, which burrowed into the sand at the first sign of trouble. Kenton notices that Cynder was hit with an arrow and shows Baon how to dissolve the carapace arrowhead with water. Kenton then teaches them the tap commands to convince the tonks to rise from the sand while Khriss explains the pistol to Kenton and wonders aloud why he was the apparent target of the attack. Kenton angrily evades her questioning.
:''Two Days LaterLater—Kezare''
Duchess Khrissalla examines a zinkall they removed from one of the dead kerztians. They arrive to the [[Ry'Do_Ali_River|Ry'Do Ali river]] river with the city of [[Kezare]] on an island in the middle. Kenton arranges to sell their tonks (which won't cross the river without panicking) and uses the money to arrange a ferry and translator to help them travel to the Darksider enclave of [[Lonzare]]. Kenton and the party part ways, since Kenton has business on that side of the river.
:''The Diem''
;Plot Summary
:''The Hall''
Kenton argues his case before the Taishin Council, reminding them to mourn those who have died and asking to be allowed time to change the Diem for the good of Lossand. The Taishin ignore his pleas and hold the dissolution vote—voting six-to-one to dissolve the Diem. Kenton invokes an obscure combination of rules to have the vote declared void on the basis that at the death of the Lord Mastrell, he became the Acting Lord Mastrell as the highest ranked remaining Sand Master, and any council vote that would remove a Taisha from service requires two weeks' prior notification. High Judge Heelis corroborates the law, and informs Acting Lord Mastrell Kenton that he is notified and that to overturn the prelimary descision he will need a unanimous vote to retain the Diem in two weeks.
:''LonzareDay 53—Lonzare''
[[N'Teese]] leads Khriss and her group of Darksiders to [[Lonzare]]—theLonzare—the Darkside Quarter. The existence of this part of the city surprises the group, as the [[Dynasty]] doesn't want people to know that there is traffic between Dayside and Darkside. They pay their guide to lead them to someone in charge, who turns out to be a Darksider named [[Loaten]], a man branded a traitor to the Dynasty who was supposedly executed for attempting to murder Emperor Skathan. Loaten was expecting Khriss's arrival and seems to know a great many things, but he does not answer many of Khriss's questions concerning her fiance and the "sand mages" he sought. Khriss calls him out as having met [[Gevin]], since he used the nickname instead of his given name, Gevalden. Laoten admits to having met with Gevin and [[Wilheln]] before Gevin was shot by Dynastic assassins. Loaten reveals that N'Teese works for him and asks her to continue to work with Khriss. At the end of the meeting, [[Nilto]], the Lord Beggar enters the room with his face wrapped and orders Laoten to get rid of "that woman." Laoten explains that Nilto is an unofficial Taisha due to his influence among the lower classes, and that he asks for her to leave for now. As Khriss exits the room, Baon recognizes Loaten and draws his gun before Khriss orders him to stand down. The guards are revealed to also carry guns.
At the site of thea raid that was conducted earlier, Senior [[Trackt]] [[Ais]], with Trackt [[Tain]] and her team, discovers a man kept prisoner behind a hidden door. The man, Lord [[Torkel]], was an advisor to the Lord Merchant, who wenthad gone missing last year. While questioning Torkel, Ais reflects on her warring emotions and her difficulty in controlling her anger when innocents are harmed. Torkel reveals that he was kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured by being kept in a closet with the remains of murdered wife and children after trying to go back on an agreement with [[Sharezan]]. Tain reports that [[Lokmlen]], Sharezan's second, was seen fleeing to the Portside Market.
:''Portside Market''
Ais chases down Lokmlen, who also murdered six trackts during that raid. Lokmlen accuses her of being [[Kerzta|zensha]], a traitor to her people and the [[Ker'Reen]] faith, as she herself is Kerztian. Ais reflects that since justice belongs to the Sand Lord, she supports the Sand Lord by supporting Justice—there is no conflict. Lokmlen lures her into a deserted alley and strikes, deliberately goading her anger. As Ais loses control of her emotions, her fighting degrades and she is bested. However, as Lokmlen is about to strike Ais down, [[Aarik]] arrives and interrupts them. Lokmlen challenges the stranger and tosses Ais' sword to him. Aarik refuses the weapon; and, in a replay of what just occured, mocks Lokmlen while dodging all of his attacks so he fights sloppy with anger. Aarik then stomps on his foot, dropping the criminal; who Ais promptly apprehends. Ais reflects that the Sand Lord must have shown her this stranger to teach her a better path.
:''The Diem''
The next morning, Dirin brings breakfast while Kenton is working on how to overcome the Diem's elitism. whenKenton asks Dirin to find some ladders so that everybody can access all floors of the Diem. As Aarik arrives, they see Drile and his followers arrive wearing black belts over their sashes as a statement against Kenton's leadership. Kenton expresses to Aarik his suspicion that Drile was the traitor. He and Dirin wonder if Drile poisoned the water that the Mastrells drank.
:''Day 54''
Assuming that Gevalden would have spoken with the Taishin, Khriss has N'Teese arrange meetings with all of the Profession leaders. Khriss works on fixing the lock on the case that Cynder borrowed from Acron aseach time they wait while N'teese coordinates appoinments. Over the course of the day they are turned away from The Hall of Judgement (Lady Judge), The Tower Garrison (Lord General), Helm's Rest (Lord Admiral), The Guild (Lord Merchant), The Congress (Lord Farmer), The Central Studio (Lord Artisan), and Mason Headquarters (Lady Mason). Khriss asks N'Teese to take them to see The Lord Mastrell.
:''The Diem''
