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In his youth, Dalinar all but worshipped his elder brother [[Gavilar Kholin|Gavilar]]. He and Gavilar had reunited [[Alethkar]]'s warring Highprinces after centuries of strife. Dalinar had been the warrior, genius of the battlefield, scattering their opponents slaying their leaders and best Shardbearers, bending them to Gavilar's rule. His prowess in battle earned the nickname 'Blackthorn' and reputation among the common fold of being one of the greatest warriors and generals who ever lived.{{ref|b|twok|ic|212}} He has won many Shardplates and [[Shardblade]]s in battle, and has gifted his brother's son, [[Elhokar Kholin|Elhokar]], with one of each.
Dalinar has and befriended Navani and desired her hand, but stepped aside for Gavilar and watched court and marry her. Soon after he married, fathering [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] and [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin]]. After ten years of marriage, his wife passed away and the pain promoted him to seek the [[Old Magic]], whose curse wiped all his memories of her. Whenever someone said her name, Dalinar heard only the sound of the wind, and if he ever encountered the name in any other manner, he could not retain it in his mind.
