Difference between revisions of "Summary:Tress of the Emerald Sea"

;Plot Summary
As she scrubs, Tress spies on Laggart who cleans the cannon, and then conceals cannonballs in the false-bottomed barrel. She concludes his [[deadrunner]] plot continues," against the crew's wishes or knowledge." When he goes into Captain Crow's cabin, she asks Huck to eavesdrop on them.
Huck returns and tries to reenact the conversation with Tress playing Laggart's part. Crow received a messenger raven from Kingsport that the man in the lifeboat they spared did not survive to report the sinking of Oot's Dream. They will have to sink another ship, though Crow worries that the crew is agitated. Laggart agrees they need blood binding the crew to the ship if they're going to do what the Captain wants. "The crew will never follow us to dangerous seas unless they have no other choice. Unless they're desperate." Huck thinks this refers to some kind of curse, but Tress explains the deadrunner plot to him. Then Tress says she's thought of a way for them to escape the ship.
{{anchor|Chapter 20}}
