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Shallan attended Adolin's full disadvantaged duel the next day. She berrated herself for not realizing the trap Adolin had walked into--intrigue she would be responsible for recognizing, as Adolin's wife. As her betrothed struggled in the dueling arena, Shallan briefly considered joining the fight herself, before writing off the idea as foolishness. Feeling wrong to interfere with Adolin's own fight, Shallan sent Pattern to distract the Shardbearer facing [[Renarin]], which bought enough time for Kaladin to enter the fight and tip the balance in favor of Adolin.{{book ref|sa2|56}}{{book ref|sa2|57}} Adolin's self-imprisonment after his victory gave the couple some time apart, though they continued to chat via spanreed on occasion. This freed Shallan to continue her research and her efforts to contact her brothers, but it also allowed some doubts to creep in concerning the security of their relationship. Though Shallan was never particularly jealous, she struggled with fears that Adolin was not as committed.{{book ref|sa2|60}}{{book ref|sa2|63}}
[[File: Shallan-antti.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Shallan sketching, by [[UserCoppermind: Artists/Antti Hakosaari|Antti Hakosaari]] ]]
==== Scholar and Radiant ====