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==== Canton of Resource ====
There are many philosophers in the Steel Ministry and most end up in the Canton of Resource, the best place for those with analytical minds. {{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=43}} This Canton was tasked with trade, transport, and taxation. It was also in charge of maintaining supply lines to the other Cantons, for feeding the people and maintaining the canals.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
Tasked with trade, transport, and taxation.
It was in charge of maintaining supply lines to the other Cantons, for feeding the people and maintaining the canals.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
==== [[Canton of Inquisition]] ====
During the [[Final Empire]] the Canton of Inquisition was run by the Steel Inquisitors, and acted as law enforcement, especially over the allomantic community. Obligators of the Canton of Inquisition had tattoos that rimmed the eyes, spreading outward like cracks of lightning, with the addition of a stark red line on the side of their face. {{book ref|mb1|27}} In addition to dealing with anyone that went against Ministry protocol, the Canton of Inquisition also had bases all around the city of [[Luthadel]], called Soothing stations. These were to dampen the emotions of everyone in the area, calming and depressing them. In addition, it is possible that many Inquisitors found skaa Mistings this way. {{book ref|mb1|27}}