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Marasi is in a firefight with Steris reloading for her. One bandit tries to take a hostage, but Marasi immediately guns him down without thinking. She considers killing such a waste, that society has failed if it has to come to this point. Marasi loses track of Steris -- she has gone somewhere in a very determined fashion.
AAn reallyextremely biglarge dudeman who is also a coinshot brawls with Wax. Wax's punches are ineffectual. He escapes out a window and on top of the car and sees four bandits on another car bearing some large item. The big dude follows up with Ranette's mega shotgun that he's confiscated from Wax's abandoned gun belt. When he shoots from the hip, the gun drops from his hand and he is wounded. Wax desperately tries to get his other vial, but the brute has him pinned down until Steris shows up and fires the shotgun, wounding him. But the kick of the gun throws her off the train.
=== Chapter 8 ===