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|A member of the Wall Guard on Azure{{book ref|sa3|70}}
Vivenna had possession of her Blade by the time she arrived in [[Kholinar]] before the Voidbringer siege truly began. After the Wall Guard lost their previous commander in the riots, Azure used her Blade to defend the wall against the Cult of Moments, which tried to seize the wall in the chaos.{{book ref|sa3|70}} She took up the name Highmarshall Azure, keeping her identity as a woman largely a secret from the city at large, as it would be odd for a woman to be a military commander or hold a Shardblade. As the Voidbringer siege began, Vivenna used her Blade to keep the Fused at bay, as they feared her Blade.{{book ref|sa3|79}} Vivenna also made ususe of the Blade to carve out chunks of stone in a secret room beneath the windblades. She did this to provide her Soulcasters with sufficient raw materials to make enough grain to feed the city under siege.{{book ref|sa3|81}}
After meeting Kaladin and agreeing to use a portion of the Wall Guard to liberate the palace,{{book ref|sa3|82}} Vivenna helped lead the attack by using her Blade.{{book ref|sa3|83}} After being overwhelmed by the singer armies, Vivenna brought her Blade with her to Shadesmar when Shallan engaged the corrupted Oathgate near the palace.{{book ref|sa3|89}}