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=== Shallan's Mental Health ===
Shallan closely resembles someone with dissociative identity disorder (DID) as observed by her struggle to maintain a singular personality. SheWhile firstshe initially developed her separate personaspersonalities insuch as Veil and orderRadiant to fit the various roles she was assigned to, Shallan began to use them as crutches. She repeatedly mentioned that these separate personalities had not experienced the hardships Shallan had dealt with, so she was able to conveniently use her Lightweaving abilities as an escape from her past. While she was able to maneuver through different social situations, howeverwith these personalities, sheShallan soon began tofound findthat it was becoming increasingly difficult to separate her personas from her original personality. ShallanShe began to experience blackouts and even failed to differentiate between her three personalities until her allies intervened as seen in the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]]. ShallanIn addition to this, unfortunatelyShallan, is sometimes not in full control of her other personalities as they tend to peak out without her knowing. This is especially common with her first persona, [[Veil]].
==== Veil ====
After arriving at the [[Shattered Plains]] and encountering the [[Ghostbloods]], Shallan takestook on the identity of Veil in order to infiltrate the Ghostbloods. She changeschanged her appearance by using her Lightweaving abilities to craft a new appearance for Veil. As Veil, Shallan appears as a slightly older darkeyed woman. Although Veil has the same height and build as Shallan, Veil has long, dark hair and an angular face with a scar across the chin.{{book ref|sa2|42}}. Veil's personality is daring and bold, being an accomplished con-artist and spy. She’s willing to scam other people but still needs people to be around. She often drinks and will sometimes drink [[Horneater]] lager which is supposedly the strongest drink in all of [[Roshar]]. She rarely shows signs of being drunk. Veil prefers her men to be hard and rugged, showing interest in men like [[Kaladin]] while expressing disinterest in Adolin. Following Shallan's marriage with Adolin, however, Veil has become fond of the prince and even became drinking buddies with him.
Veil's personality is daring and bold, being an accomplished con-artist and spy. She’s willing to scam other people but still needs people to be around. She often drinks and will sometimes drink [[horneater]] lager which is supposedly the strongest drink in all of Roshar. She rarely shows signs of being drunk. Veil prefers her men to be hard and rugged, showing interest in men like [[Kaladin]] while expressing disinterest in Adolin. Following Shallan's marriage with Adolin, however, Veil has become fond of the prince and even became drinking buddies with him.
==== Radiant ====
After arriving in Urithriu, Shallan developed a third personality, Radiant in order to better assume her role as a Knight Radiant. Radiant looks mostly like Shallan, but with a bigger bust. Radiant learns how to wield her Shardblade with Adolin, and is a capable surgebinder like Shallan. She does not care at all about how other people think of her, and easily dismisses people as stupid. Due to the similaritiessimilar mannerisms, she is likely based on [[Jasnah Kholin]]. Like VeilAppearance-wise, sheRadiant alsolooks thinksmostly alike relationship with Kaladin would be appropriateShallan, commentingbut thatwith a relationshipbigger betweenbust. two Radiants would be suitable.
Radiant learned how to wield her Shardblade with Adolin, and is a capable surgebinder like Shallan. She does not care at all about how other people think of her, and easily dismisses people as stupid. Like Veil, she also thinks a relationship with Kaladin would be appropriate, commenting that a relationship between two Radiants would be suitable.
==== Shallan the Radiant ====
[[File:The Tower.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Shallan's surrealist sketch of Urithiru--by [[Isaac Stewart]]]]
After reforming the Knight Radiant, Dalinar asked Shallan and Renarin to learn as much about their newfound powers as they could; however, Shallan had a lot more on her mind than just her new role as a Knight Radiant. Following her confrontation with her past, Shallan struggled to keep her mind from from wandering to the murder of her parents, so she attempted to focus on drawing rather than murder she had committed. As she practiced drawing Urithiru, she found that her drawing was more of a surrealistic interpretation of the tower city rather than a realistic one. Noticing her frustration, Pattern assured Shallan that it was okay for her to hate himthem for killing her parents; however, Shallan assured Pattern that she did not blame the spren but rather the way her life spiraled out of control and eventually led to her killing her parents. As the conversation between her and Pattern dulledlulled, a [[Tyn|scout]] arrived to inform her that she had been requested to attend a meeting with Dalinar and his family also in attendance. While making their way to the meeting, the scout asked Shallan about what it meant to be a Knight Radiant and carry a Shardblade. Despite being a Lightweaver, she pretended to be an [[Elsecaller]] when in public in order to hide the fact that she could create illusions. Shallan assured the scout that she would still be able to maintain her femininity whilst acting as a Radiant, seemingly disappointing the scout. {{book ref|sa3|2}}{{book ref|sa3|8}}
When Shallan arrived to the meeting, Dalinar hoped to glean some sort of information from her in order to understand more about the political world. Unfortunately, Shallan was unable to share the information Dalinar was hoping for, disappointing the [[highprince]]]. While the meeting went on, Shallan constructed a three-dimensional projection of Roshar out of stormlight with the aid of Dalinar's own abilities. {{book ref|sa3|8}} As the attendees at the meeting marveled at her creation, [[Lyn]] returned to inform them that there had been a murder. When they arrive at the scene of the crime, the victim appeared to be [[Vedekar Perel]], and they discover that the murder was an exact copy of the murder of Highprince [[Sadeas]]. When Adolin is assigned to search for the perpetrator, Shallan noticed that he had been acting strange and Pattern hummed in response to Adolin's strange behavior.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Afterwards, Shallan began to practice her Illumination abilities in her room. She learned to better control her creations and could now cause them to move without the aid of Pattern. As she was practicing, Adolin arrived and they began to flirt with one another and eventually kissed until Pattern interrupted them. {{book ref|sa3|13}} While Adolin and Shallan continued to build their relationship, Adolin urged Shallan to learn use a Shardblade in order to better defend herself. Shallan, however, could not bring herself to use the blade due to her past experience with the weapon so she created a new personality, one she named Brightness Radiant, to take on while using the Shardblade. While practicing, Shallan noticed the similarities between Adolin and herself as they were both passionate about what they love. As time passed, Shallan began to feel that she could be herself around Adolin. {{book ref|sa3|15}}
While Adolin and Shallan continued to build their relationship, Adolin urged Shallan to learn use a Shardblade in order to better defend herself. Shallan, however, could not bring herself to use the blade due to her past experience with the weapon, so she created a new personality, one she named Brightness Radiant, to take on while using the Shardblade. Noticing Shallan's discomfort with the blade, Pattern advised Shallan to sever the bond and kill him, so she could forge a bond with a new spren and have fresh start. Shallan, however, quickly squashed the idea and focused on her training. As she continued practicing with the Sharblade, Shallan noticed the similarities between Adolin and herself as they were both passionate about what they loved. As time passed, Shallan began to feel that she could be herself around Adolin and even briefly allowed herself to slip through her disguise as Radiant so she could enjoy her time with the prince. {{book ref|sa3|15}}
==== Veil's Investigation ====
Later, Shallan, disguised as Veil, decided she would head to the [[Breakaway]], the marketplace established in Urithiru following the [[Battle of Narak]], in order to search for any clues on the recent murders to aid Adolin in his investigation. As she made her way to the markets, Pattern expressed his fondness for Adolin. While he initially disliked Adolin because he carried a [[Maya|Shardblade that was essentially the dead corpse of a spren]], he came to understand that humans in the [[Physical Realm]] kill and destroy in order to survive. As the conversation began to lull, Shallan brought up the previous conversation Pattern initiated about her supposed hatred for him. Pattern, again, urged Shallan to sever their bond and kill him, so she would no longer have to deal with the discomfort she felt when wielding him as a Shardblade. Before the spren could finish, she quickly expressed her need for the spren and begged Pattern not to leave her, telling the him that she also hated herself but she did not want him to go. Seemingly pleased with Shallan's response, Pattern dropped the conversation and hummed to himself. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
While Shallan visited the marketplace set up in [[Urithiru]], she used Veil to become knowledgable about the darkeyes society in the city. {{book ref|sa3|18}} Shallan, disguised as Veil, investigated any recent murders that may have occurred in the market. She was directed to a group of thugs that might have had the answers she was searching for. In order to learn more information on the murder, Veil stabs one of the thugs in the hand for pushing her out of his chair and threatened them by revealing her association with the [[Ghostbloods]]. While interrogating them, another one of the thugs revealed that a man named [[Ned]] had strangled his wife to death, and a barmaid had also died a similar way, but he denied any connection to the second murder. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
As Veil arrived to the Breakway, she began eavesdropping on conversations between the people there in order to pick up on any information on the murders. After failing to learn anything relevant to her mission, she entered a bar set up in a large battle tent in hopes of learning more there. Noticing that Veil lacked the experience she posited herself to have, Shallan hoped to increase her credibility as a [[darkeyed]] con artist while visiting the markeplace. While Shallan primarily visited the marketplace in order to gain more information on the recent murders, she also used Veil to become more knowledgeable about the darkeye society established in the tower city. As Shallan ignorantly ordered hard wine in the bar, [[Jor]], a bouncer attracted to her, made his way to her and began flirting with Veil. Observing that she was becoming increasingly drunk, Jor offered to escort her out of the bar and call a palanquin to return to her room before it got too late. Picking up on the opportunity to learn more about the murders, Shallan asked what were the "dangerous places" she should look out for, so she did not get harmed. As he informed her that someone had been stabbed the previous night at [[All's Alley]], Shallan collapsed on the floor and unconsciously sucked in stormlight to ease the pain she felt. She quiqly discovered that she was no longer drunk. Shocking the bouncer and barkeep, Shallan calmly drank another cup of wine and began to make her way to the location Jor informed her of. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
Noticing that she had let Veil slip while she was drunk, Shallan berated herself for dropping the disguise and letting herself feel the pain of her past she was hoping to avoid. As Pattern attempted to remind her that Veil was just a disguise, Shallan shared her fear that she may have killed her brothers and fabricated the memories she had with [[Balat Davar|Balat]] as she conversed with him over spanreed. Worrried over Shallan's mental stability, Pattern reassured her that her brothers were still alive and questioned if she could still differentiate between her lies. Assuming her Veil personality in order to hide from Pattern's questions, Shallan assured Pattern that she could still tell. Pattern, however, noticed that Shallan was still lying and expressed his confusion over the reason she chose to assume her Veil persona. Veil simply replied by saying that she needed to go deeper with her disguise, making Pattern even more anxious over the deliberate lies Shallan continued to place over herself.
As Veil interned the All's Alley, she ordered and drank [[Horneater]] white, the strongest drink they had, impressing the others at the bar. Hoping to prevent Veil from becoming too drunk, the barkeep attempted to stop her from drinking any more of the alcohol, but Veil stopped him and used that opportunity to ask about the murders, using the excuse that she was searching for the murderer that killed her little sister in the Alethi warcamps. Refusing to share any information on the murder, he directed Veil to a group of thugs that might have the answers she was searching for. In order to learn more information on the murder, Veil stabbed one of the thugs in the hand for pushing her out of his chair and threatened them by revealing her association with the [[Ghostbloods]]. While interrogating them, [[Betha]], one of the thugs, revealed that a man named [[Ned]] had strangled his wife to death. Believing she had reached a dead end, Veil began to make her way out of the bar. Before she left, she overheard Betha mention another murder that occurred in the markets while conversing with [[Ur]], the thug Veil had just stabbed. As she returned to the thugs, Betha quickly informed Veil that a barmaid had also died a similar way, but Ned vehemently denied any connection to the second murder before Ur killed him for supposedly killing the barsmaid. Realizing that this was likely a double murder, Veil was satisfied with the new information and left the tavern. {{book ref|sa3|18}}
==== A New Lead ====
The next morning, Shallan, still ill from the heavy drinking she did as Veil, woke to sound of Adolin knocking on her door. After enjoying some light banter with the prince, she sucked in stormlight from a sphere he offered her to clear the hangover she suffered from. As she began to dress herself for the day, Adolin informed her that he would be meeting meeting with [[Ialai Sadeas]], the widow of Torol Sadeas, in order to discuss any clues she might have on her late husband's murder. Disturbed by Ialai, Adolin requested that Shallan accompany him to his meeting with woman. When Adolin requested that she bring her own soldiers to accomapany them meeting instead of his, Shallan shared that she did not think she had any real use for the former deserters, and she did not find them necessary to follow them. After he explained to Shallan that her soldiers would feel honored by being put to use, Shallan relented and promised to find more tasks to assign to her guards. {{book ref|sa3|21}}
When Shallanthey wokearrived upat theSades' next morning, she did not really recall being in controlsection of Veil'sUrithiru, actionsShallan andfound describedthat her[[Mraize]] actionswas asalso Veilthere, the previous nightacting as feelingone likeof aIalai's dreamsoldiers. Shallan,Despite Adolin,being andsurprised her guards later made their way to Sadeas' camp whereby his wife,presence [[Ialai]]there, had taken residence in. Shallan foundand that [[Mraize]] wasboth alsopretended there,not actingto asknow oneeach of Ialai's soldiersother. When Ialai dismissed Shallan to fetch tea, she and the assassin discussed Veil's actions with the statethugs in the Breakaway and the whereabouts of her family. While he did not reveal any important information on her family, he informed her that she must remove the "darkness" that is supposedly plaguing the city and that he would share some information on her now-deceased brother, [[Helaran]], in exchange. Frustrated by Mraize's teasing of her brother's name, Shallan returned to the proper rooms where Ialai revealed that she had assigned [[Amaram]] to investigate Sadeas' murder on his own due to her distrust of the Kholin family. After the revelation, she and Adolin returned to the hallway and discussed their dislike for the woman. As they began to leave Sadeas' residence, a guard informed them that the [[highstorm|highstorms]] have returned.{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa3|22}}
While exploring the city of Urithiru, Shallan discovered a long-abandoned theater. She put on a play for Pattern using just her illusions. While performing for Pattern, she noticed a dark figure and chased after it, leading her to a room filled with various versions of herself created from stormlight. After they vanish, she noticed a dark figure, believing it to be a spren, and chased it into the market where she discovered that [[Rock]], a member of [[Bridge Four]], had been stabbed in the hand. Shallan realized that Rock was a Horneater just like the Ur, the thug she had stabbed while disguisedvisiting asAll's VeilAlley. Shallan then came to the conclusion that whatever was copying the murders was also copying all the violence occurring in the city. As she was about to leave, [[Ishnah]], one of the thugs she encountered, requested to join the Ghostbloods which Shallan quickly refused. {{book ref|sa3|25}}
Shallan used her guards to try and search for any more clues about the recent murder. While disguised as Veil, Shallan waited and found a man that was hung similarly to another man that died the same way. As Shallan chased after the murderer, she sent Pattern to bring Adolin whom returned with Bridge Four. As they entered a room containing a pit, they descended into the hole, discovering a room covered with murals depicting all ten [[Herald|heralds]] and the [[Almighty]]. [[Renarin]] found a large black mass, and they discovered that the murders have been the result of the [[Unmade]], [[Re-Shephir]]. {{book ref|sa3|29}}
In Words of Radiance, Shallan discovered the ability to project incoporeal images into existence. At the behest of Jasnah, Shallan focused on this surge rather than Transformation. Due to a lack of practice and experience, however, she could initially only create the images after sketching them first, and she couldwas notunable make them move. She alsolater discovered that she could use Pattern to project sounds and move her images when they were in the imagethem. TheAfter trial and error, Shallan learned that the range of anthe imageimages isshe creates are limited to itstheir proximity to a source of Investiture. asAs the user moves away from an image it will begin to blur and then dissolve when its connection is broken, increased focus on the part of a user can increase the range but not greatly. When combining her Illumination abilities with Dalinar's own abilities, Shallan was shown to be able to construct a visual map of Roshar entirely out of stormlight even though she had not visited the entire continent. {{book ref|sa3|8}}
After practicing her abilities, Shallan learned how to make her illusions move without the aid of her spren. She was also shown to use Illumination without drawing her images beforehand as seen when she conjured images from a play she watched as a child and, later, an army to fight the [[Odium|Odium's]] forces. In addition to this, Shallan learned how to produce sounds without the aid of Pattern as seen when she was able to alter her voce whilst disguised as Veil. During the [[Battle of Kholinar]], Shallan was capable of making more solid illusions. While the reason for this is unknown, Jasnah commented that Shallan's projections appeared to have some substance to them as if it had more stormlight than usual while Shallan briefly wondered if she mixed her Soulcasting abilities with this Surge. {{book ref|sa3|121}} {{book ref|sa3|120}}
When combining her Illumination abilities with Dalinar's own abilities, Shallan was shown to be able to construct a visual map of Roshar entirely out of stormlight even though she had not visited the entire continent. {{book ref|sa3|8}}
After practicing her abilities, Shallan learned how to make her illusions move without the aid of her spren. She was also shown to use Illumination without drawing her images beforehand as seen when she conjured images from a play she watched as a child and, later, an army to fight the [[Odium|Odium's]] forces. During the [[Battle of Kholinar]], Shallan was capable of making more solid illusions. While the reason for this is unknown, Jasnah commented that Shallan's projections appeared to have some substance to them as if it had more stormlight than usual while Shallan briefly wondered if she mixed her Soulcasting abilities with this Surge. {{book ref|sa3|121}} {{book ref|sa3|120}}
=== Memory ===