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m (Responding to a message)
Actually, JoeST, I don't know just which one of my SA wiki predecessors did anything because I haven't pursued that avenue. What I do know is that the SA wiki landed in my lap after every admin there departed it for 17th ... and one of them made me admin there before he left. I've cherished this responsibility and doing so has required a lot of learning from me about something with which I was only becoming familiar at the time. I'm much more versed in the language now, but still don't know its source content. So, I'm thrilled to be involved in 17th now, but feel I remain responsible for the SA wiki; I receive email updates on every edit to the site on a daily basis and don't want the site to fall into disarray. I remain extremely interested in the representation of fan art on-site because there is so much of it of such high quality!
== Recent Coppermind Activity ==
There used to be a right rail column on SA wiki that listed recent site activity (i.e., recent edits to pages or additions of pages, etc. to the wiki). Personally, I can now only access it there on individual pages as Admin due to Fandom (i.e., the host site) changes. However, it remains accessible to ''all'' who access the main page of the SA wiki. Still, I'm curious to know just why this feature doesn't exist here. I'm interested in knowing just which articles have most recently been contributed to or created on Coppermind. This goes a long way in preventing the replication of certain articles under differing titles. It also would alert contributors to new features. I guess I'm making a suggestion ... and/or a plea; I'd like to see a right rail account of Coppermind articles that have most recently been edited and just how many times done so. Is this too much to ask? I don't know.
I remain relatively new here and haven't done all that much. I have no idea whether anyone has made such a request in the past; I only know that such a feature has been a boon to contributors to the SA wiki, and certainly to me, as the site's Administrator. I think such a feature could benefit the Coppermind as it would afford contributors a reference they might access before repeating an entry already logged into an article. I implore any and all to respond to this inquiry. Thank you.