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She finds Balat laying on a bench in the gardens. He's been ripping the claws off of [[cremling|cremlings]] again. Shallan tells him that their father can't control himself anymore, and that he ordered the assassination of Helaran. They make a plan for Balat and Malise to escape with a letter from Shallan to warn their brother.
Shallan then returns to the house and goes to her father's sitting room. The guards stop her, but she holds her ground despite her fear, and they eventually let her pass. This is the first time she's entered this room in years, and she has to raise a hand to shade her eyes against the light coming from behind the painting. It is blinding to her and she wonders how anyone can stand it. Malise, curled up in a chair with her lip split and her arm broken, says that Lin will kill them all. Shallan starts treating the wounds, and tells her stepmother about the escape plan. As shallanShallan is about to leave, Malise asks her "If I go, and Balat with me, who will he hate? Who will he hit? Maybe you, finally? The one who actually deserves it?" Shallan just replies, "Maybe."