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Lift and six other thieves climb over a wall of the [[Bronze Palace]] as they intend to rob it while a new [[Prime Aqasix]] is being chosen by the vizierate. Lift sees Nale in the distance and frets that he is still pursuing her somehow. The thieves climb up the palace wall and Lift chats with her spren Wyndle, who says that he wanted to chosechoose someone else with whom to bond but ended up with Lift since she had visited the Old Magic. Lift and Wyndle bicker as they infiltrate the palace. Huqin says they are there to steal clothes which aren't well guarded but will sell for a lot. Lift disobeys Huqin and wanders the palace with Gawx accompanying her. Lift tells Gawx that she wants to steal the prime's food and she heads towards the Prime's chambers while he goes to the vizier quarters to find spheres. Wyndle helps her further infiltrate the palace while he teaches Lift about spren and her odd ability to convert food into stormlight. Lift sneaks into the dining area and hides under the table as the vizierate reviews applications for Emperor. Lift listens as they debate what to do since no one wants to be Prime due to the recent assassinations. She
steals a dinner roll then hesitates as she notices that Nale is there. She tries to flee but is caught, and Nale has her arrested and tells the vizierate that he has the proper forms. She tries to use her ability to escape but is inhibited by a larkin which drains her stormlight. The head vizier protests that Lift will be executed for mere thievery, but Nale adds the crimes of trespass and interrupting a holy conclave in session.