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Shallan rests in bed, accepting of Navani's unexpected affection. Pattern repeats a conversation that he was sent to spy on between Dalinar and Navani, with Dalinar wanting her to go on the expedition but Navani trying to protect Shallan by having her stay behind. Shallan tells Pattern she has to go and asks if she is a Radiant, and he replies most likely not yet since she has more to do first, but he isn't sure since he hasn't always been sentient. Pattern tells of the Recreance, when most spren except the Stormfather and a few others were killed. Pattern thinks that the chance to learn is worth the possible cost of dying again. Pattern says that Shallan spoke the Words, but she lacks truth. Adolin appears and embraces her in a hug and kiss. He says that he was visiting all the highprinces delivering an ultimatum to join Dalinar or be labeled as someone who refused to fulfill the Vengeance Pact. Shallan says she saw a dead chasm fiend that she wants to draw for him. Adolin apologizes for rescuing his father instead of her, and promises to protect her but she says that she doesn't need protecting and that she doesn't want to be locked away again, though she doesn't elaborate on when she was previously locked away. Dalinar and Navani enter, and Dalinar has a request, but Shallan
anticipates him and requests to go on the expedition despite the dangers since she thinks the ancient city that Jasnah was searching for is there. Dalinar asks her to expand on their map of the Shattered Plains and she says she will do so. Shallan also requests that they leave the parshmen behind since Jasnah felt they were dangerous, and Dalinar says that he will do so, and that they are leaving within the hour.
*The chapter's name, True Glory, may refer to the epigraph from chapter 64 of The Way of Kings. “They come from the pit, two dead men, a heart in their hands, and I know that I have seen true glory.”