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On [[Scadrial]], [[Wayne]] mentions the God Beyond in passing.{{book ref|aol|10}}
On [[Sel]], it was referred to as the Unknown God by the [[MaiPon]], although this is indeed the same as the God Beyond.{{qa ref|979|110}} [[Wan ShaiLu]] prays to the unknown god{{book ref|tes|day|2}}, and her people related it to the rocks that fell from the sky.{{book ref|tes|day|98}} Additionally, in a scene from the perspective of [[Hoid's]] perspective at the back of the [[Elantris]] Tenth Anniversary Edition, Hoid refers to the God Beyond in passing. It is unknown what relationship the God Beyond has to [[Adonalsium]].
On [[Threnody]], [[Silence Montane]] and her daughter [[William Ann]], swore to the God Beyond.{{book ref|sfs}}