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The next day Adolin takes Dalinar’s place at the meeting with Eshonai, pretending to be him by wearing Renarin’s Shardplate. When he meets Eshonai she tells him that the Parshendi have changed the rules of the conflict and that peace will be achieved when one of them is dead and that the gemstones no longer matter. When Adolin reiterates the desire for peace Eshonai tells him that the Alethi will have to destroy the Parshendi. When he asks why they killed Gavilar she tells him that Gavilar told them his plans and thought they’d delight in the return of their gods. When Adolin returns to the camps he finds Dalinar and his generals formulating a plan to take the fight to the Parshendi directly. {{book ref|wor|51}}
Adolin continues with his father’s plan of winning shardblades, and finally duels [[Elit|Elit Ruthar|Elit]]. During the duel Elit makes several moves to either injure or kill Adolin. Adolin wins the duel by completely draining Elit’s plate of stormlight. Shallan visits Adolin after his duel and tells him that she has discovered a way to help him with his duels, but it requires he do something truly amazing. When Relis arrives, as Adolin suspected he would, he manages to convince him to duel him by saying he will fight Relis and whoever else he brings. When they leave Shallan asks Adolin if he can beat two Shardbearers and Adolin says he isn’t sure but he hopes it is spectacular enough for her plan. {{book ref|wor|53}}
== Family ==