Difference between revisions of "Summary:Legion: Skin Deep"

→‎Chapter 14: Added a summary
(→‎Chapter 13: Added a summary.)
(→‎Chapter 14: Added a summary)
=== Chapter 14 ===
As they approach the house, J.C. wishes that Stephen would hire a proper bodyguard. Wilson drives off so that Zen doesn't interrogate him if she turns up, waiting to be summoned back to pick Stephen and his aspects up. Dion enters the house, with Stephen holding the door for his aspects to go in before him. As Dion looks for his mother, Stephen looks around the living room. Ivy tells him that they are Greek Orthodox when he sees a cross and assumes they are Catholic. Audrey gets him to look at the family pictures on the other side of the room. They discuss what they know about the type of person Panos was, and how he'd likely act. They figure that Panos was further ahead in his research than he let on, which is why Yol had be worried, but also that he'd have left any form of encryption key to his family. Dion heads out the back to call his mother, and Stephen follows after a few moments, breaking up an argument between Audrey and J.C. He asks Audrey to look for any inconsistences in what Panos searched for, and she tells Stephen that Panos spent more time looking into viruses as a delivery mechanism after the project moved away from that idea than before. The conversation continues, leading to Stephen realizing Audrey was insane - all his aspects were (Tobias had schizophrenia, Ivy had trypophobia). He realized Audrey's psychosis was that she thought she was imaginary. It just happened that that aligned with reality. Snapping out of his revrey, he notices Dion watching. Stephen asks him if he's found his mother. Dion indicates that she's out in the backyard, so Stephen goes outside.
=== Chapter 15 ===
