Difference between revisions of "Coolerim Playhouse"

Minor updates, spelled theater in keeping with spelling in Alloy
m (Minor updates, spelled theater in keeping with spelling in Alloy)
|usage={{cat tag|Businesses|TheatreTheater}}
|books=[[TheMistborn AlloyEra of Law2]]
'''The Coolerim Playhouse''' is a theatrewell-known theater in [[Elendel]].{{book ref|mb4|2}}
It iswas a target of the [[Vanishers]], where they robbed the patrons and kidnapped some of them, including [[Armal]], one of [[Steris Harms]]' cousins.{{book ref|aolmb4|2}}
The Coolerim was one of Steris' favorite places to see a play.{{book ref|mb4|2}}
== Notes ==
<references />
{{Mistborn|adventuresEra 2}}