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{{anchor|Chapter 16}}
=== Chapter 16: The Cruel Potentials ===
*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Delius' son]]
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Delius' son]] (appearance only)
*[[Sharezan]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
The ship is boarded by Kerztian assassins who immediately start attacking the crew. The assassins lock Baon and Ais below deck, keeping them out of the fight, and then turn to Kenton, who is still recovering from his overmastery and cannot access his powers. The rest of the group, Khriss, Aarik, Vey, Cynder, Delius, and his son, watch from behind barrels as a defenseless Kenton tries to fight eight assassins with just his fists. Khriss tries to join the fight, but Delius holds her back. She appeals to Aarik who, after an internal conflict, runs into the fight. He tackles one of the assassins from behind, grabs his spear, and within seconds, dispatches the rest of the assassins. A change comes over Aarik, and he stalks away coldly. Ais insists on taking the bodies back with them, and Delius, not wanting to start a fight, reluctantly agrees. Moments later, Aarik returns, formally apologizes to Khriss, and walks away to his cabin. As Baon and Ais load the bodies onto the assassins' boat, they discuss the change that came over Aarik. The next morning, Kenton wakes up and finds that his sand has returned to him and that he can now control five ribbons, not just three.
They arrive in Kezare, and Khriss suggests that they ask Ais to help them find the missing Taisha. Leaving Cynder, Delius, and his son behind, the group goes to the [[Tower (Taldain)|Tower]] where they are greeted by a worried Gremt. Gremt says that they don't know where Raagent is and they didn't want to get the trackts involved. They go to Raagent's room, where Ais finds spots of blood on the floor and sees that his bed is missing its sheet. Ais infers that Raagent is still in the Tower, and Gremt leads them down into the Tower's wine cellar. When they get there they find Raagent lying dead with his eyelids cut off. Upon closer inspection, Ais finds traces of [[Kamo]] on his lips and infers that it was used to make the Lord General die from fright. Ais realizes that Raagent was the one coming to meet with her in the building that was blown, not Nilto, and the limping sound they heard was because he broke his leg in the incident with the sandling.{{book ref|ws|9|review=yes}} From this, she realizes that the person
:''Northbound Boat''
who killed Raagent must have been Sharezan. Afterwards, reluctantly, Kenton asks Aarik to take his father's place so he can vote for the Diem. Aarik, resigned to his fate, says yes.
The ship is boarded by Kerztian assassins who immediately start attacking the crew. Ais sees the assassin's boat pull up next to their ship through the porthole, and she and Baon try to get to the deck, but find the attackers have barred the door to prevent reinforcements. Lord Vey asks Professor Cynder why Kenton isn't mastering sand, and Cynder replies in halting Lossandin that Kenton is recovering. Kenton throws some sand in the eyes of some attackers, which is not repelled because it was not being mastered. Aarik has taken cover behind some cargo, and listens to the fighting with a pained expressions; Delius, his son, and Khiss, are nearby behind another group of boxes. Khriss is talking at Aarik in Dynastic, while Delius thinks she is talking to him and explains that he can't understand her. Khriss pointedly notes that without Baon and Ais, there is nobody to help Kenton against the assassins, While Kenton is thinking about how he expected that overmastering on this trip should have been "safe."
Aarik tackles one of the assassins from behind, grabs his spear and throws it thorugh another assassin. He then picks up that assassin's sword and dispatches two more, giving another sword to Kenton and they fight back-to-back. Kenton is considering the changes in Aarik once he touched a sword again, and notes that the "carefree wanderer" is gone and only the "Tower trained warrior" remains. The assassins are finished
Baon and Ais are released. Ais argues with Delius that the Kerztian Warrior bodies should just be burned. Kenton compromises and says they can place the bodies on their own boat and tow it back to Kezare. Baon doubts Aarik could have been that good of a fighter since he didn't previously show any of the tells of a trained warrior. Aarik keeps the sword and stows it through his belt, then very formally asks how long the remaining trip will take. Kenton tried to tell his friend he doesn't have to be soformal again, but Aarik just replies with one of his father's favorite aphorisms. Aarik apologizes to Khrissalla for any impropriety he may have shown her before then excuses himself to return to his rooms. Khriss is baffled at the changes in Aarik's demeanor, and Kenton speculates that is part of the reason he fled Dayside.
As Baon and Ais load the bodies onto the assassins' boat, Ais is consumed by her own thoughts. She recalls Aarik's fight with Lokmlen and how she had thought the Sand Lord was showing her a way to fight without giving in to her rage. Seeing the change in Aarik disturbs her because she fears falling to his fate.
The next morning, Kenton wakes up and finds that his mastery has returned to him and that he can now control five ribbons, not just three. Kenton also notes that he now understands the effects other sand masters had discussed that come with controlling more ribbons, heightened senses adn a mental expansion allowing control of many simultaneous actions. But he notes that doing more things at once uses his water faster than combining ribbons to do fewer tasks with more sand behind each task. Kenton finally realizes that five ribbons are still a pittance to Drile's 25 ribbons.
Delius tells Kenton they might not have finished the journey without Baon's help at sailing since so many crew were killed. Krhiss pesters Kenton about his sand mastery, and he admits that it has returned and his deductions were correct. Kenton laments that he has to find the Lord General in one day and Khriss suggests that they ask Ais to help them find the missing Taisha. Ais initially refuses until Khriss, though Kenton's translation, reminds her that as a trackt the wellbeing of a missing Taisha should be her top priority, even over guarding Kenton. Leaving Cynder, Delius, and his son behind, the group goes to the Tower.
:''The Tower''
[[Gremt]] grets Kenton and initially tries the cover story that Lord Raagent went south with Lord Vey, until Kenton tells him they just returned from Lraezar with Lord Vey and, who had not seen the Lord General. Gremt says that they don't know where Raagent is and they didn't want to get the trackts involved. Kenton reminds him that a missing Taisha should be above inter-profession rivalry. Ais suggests they start at the Lord General's rooms.
Gremt tells everybody that Raagent was, impatiently, resting from his wounds but was prone to sneaking out to go wandering when he could ditch the guards. They go to Raagent's room, where Ais finds spots of blood on the floor and sees that his bed is missing its sheet. Ais infers that moving a body past the gueards would be very difficult and beleives that Raagent is still in the Tower. She asks after a basement, but Gremt says they only have a Win Cellar.
Kenton ponders on how the darkness of the stairwell seems to affect Ais more than most daysaiders, who tentd to fear the dark, but that Baon and Khriss seem unaffected at all. Since the single lantern is inadequate illumination for a party of six, Kenton calls sand to his hand to make another light source. As they reach the bottom of the stairs, they speed up when something is noticed against the far wall.
Ais notes that his eyelids have been cut off and that he was tied to the wall with his [[shalrim]] bedsheets. She speculates that the wax mounds were candles of different lengths and his eyelids were removed so he could not hide from the ever-decreasing light as each candle burned out. Ais finds traces of [[Kamo]] on his lips and infers that it was used to make the Lord General die from fright. Privately, Ais notes that this has all of the elements of Sharezan's tortures. She then makes the connection that if Raagent would have walked with a limp, he may have been her anonymous informant that was due to meet them at the warehouse the other night. She voices her suspicion to Kenton that Sharezan most likley killed Raagent personally.
Afterwards, reluctantly, Kenton asks Aarik to take his father's place so he can vote for the Diem. Aarik, resigned to his fate, says yes.
{{anchor|Chapter 17}}
*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Khrissalla]] (Point of View)
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Lord Mason|Lady Mason]]
*[[RaagentCynder]] (mentionedappearance only)
*[[Autonomy]] (appearance only)
*[[Nilto]] (mentioned only)
*[[Raagent]] (mentioned only)
;Plot Summary
On the trip back to the Diem from the Tower, Kenton discusses his regret for ruining Aarik's life. Baon theorizes that Raagent was killed to sabotage the Diem's chances at winning the vote of the Taishin.
:''Ferry to the Diem''
On the trip back to the Diem from the Tower, Kenton discusses his regret for ruining Aarik's life. Khriss tells him that no matter how hard the choice was, regrets and all, he did make the best choice for his people. Baon theorizes that Raagent was killed to sabotage the Diem's chances at winning the vote of the Taishin. Or, at least, if the assisns truly want the DIem to fail, then Ais and the other Taishin are likely to be in danger. Kenton leaves them to return to the DIem and takes the ferry back to Kezare.
:''The Hall''
Ais gives the Lady Judge a report on Raagent's murder, and Judge Heelis asks Ais to return to her duties with the Lord Mastrell while a team is assigned to the murder investigation. On her way out, Tain intercepts her, saying that they found Sharezan and inviting her to join him on the raid. He explains that Lokmlen finally broke and revealed teh safehouse location while he hands her a zinkall, and they go off together.
When they arrive at the location, Ais notes it is a nondescript building hidden in plain sight. Movement is heard as they enter and Tain reminder her that his team is already inside. Lokmlen steps out of the shadows and Ais warns Tain they have been betrayed. Tain replies that she has. She asks Tain if he was bought, and replies in the negative. Ais quickly realizes that Tain is Sharezan, though she had suspected Nilto. Tain tells her that there was no better cover than as a trackt, and he used that to feed her suspicions about the Lord Beggar and regrets not having enough time to frame him properly. He whines about how even getting assigned to her team was not enough to stay ahead of her progress in dismantling his organization.
She attempts to shoot Tain, only to find the zinkall was sabotaged, about which Tain laughs that she should only accept gear from people she trusts. As his cornies knock Ais to her knees, he informs her about his plan to hide out for a few years then return under a new name and new locations. But he wants to conclude his unfinished business with her first. Tain explains his "hobby" is finding how to break his target—and Ais is so easy. He starts by revealing her "secret" and claims that the entire Hall knows that she is so obsessed with control that she bottles her emotions until they explode uncontrolled. Tain claims this arises from the conflict inside her: trackt or Kerztian, cold-hearted warrior or loving mother, pious or traitor. Tain will make her chose duty or family.
Tain tells her that he had Lokmlen plant a firetrap in the orphanage she grew up in, and he is going to go to her house to kill her family, but she won't have time to save them both. He then instructs his men to hold her for one minute and then let her go. Tain and Lokmlen leave in opposite directions and his men start the countdown. As soon as they release her, Ais follows Lokmlen and desperately searches for another trackt. She is out of breath and panicking when she finds one, but manages, between gasps, to tell him about the fire trap at the orphanage. She then heads for home thinking she has condemned her family.
Praying and out of breath, she stumbles toward her house. When she nears the house, she hears a loud banging sound coming from inside. In a panic, and afraid of what she will find, Ais runs upstairs to the unsecured door. When she gets inside, she sees Tain, holding a sword, being thrown through a wall by Kenton. Ais asks after her family and Kenton, as he uses ribbons to lift Tain into the air by his throat, says they are safe in the next room because he interrupted the assassin. Ais tells him that Tain is not a kerztian assassin, but is the criminal Sharezan she has been investigating. Kenton offers to finish snapping his neck and Ais asks him to bind him instead so he can face justice. Ais then runs to her family and weeps with them. Mellis comments that it was lucky her friend came to visit, and she realizes her husband understands better than she does. Ais thanks Kenton and asks why he came. Kenton relates the theory that she and the Taishin may be in danger from the assassins.
:''The Next Day—The Hall''
Ais goes to Lady Judge Heelis to resign her position. Heelis asks her to keep her job for at least one more day, and Ais agrees. Heelis then asks Ais to accompany her to the duel at the Diem, because it will be important for the leaders of Lossand to understand what Sand Masters may be capable of doing when threatened.
:''The Diem's Pit''
All of the Taishin and a large crowd gather in the Diem to watch the fight between Kenton and Drile. Kenton points out each Taisha, as Khriss has not yet met them all. SHe marvels at the change in Aarik, now that he is garbed in teh Lord General's uniform. Drile makes a grand entrance from over the seating and Khriss wishes Kenton good luck as he heads toward the pit. Elorin gives each of them a drink from different ceremonial bowls, and both Sand Masters remove their sashes as the fight begins.
Drile notes that Kenton now controls five ribbons, but quickly smashes them aside with less than half of his ribbons, while driving Kenton back with the other half. Renewing the attack, Kenton's ribbons surge forward, only to have Drile intercept each one with three ribbons of his own. Kenton notes that his eyes are already burning, like they had at the attack in the Kerla; just before being thrown to the ground by Drile's remaining ribbons. Kenton realizes that Drile is toying with him to make a spectacle.
Khriss moves toward the guard rail at her seat, and Baon intercepts her, telling her that no matter how horrible it is Kenton's choice to defend his people and she has no right to rob him of his choice by interferring.
Meanwhile at the Hall of Judgement, Ais gives Heelis a report on Raagent's death. On her way out, Tain intercepts her, saying that they found Sharezan and inviting her to join him on the raid. He hands her a zinkall, and they go off together. When they arrive at the alleged hideout of Sharezan, Ais sees people in the shadows and realizes something is off. Tain takes this as his cue, raises his zinkall to Ais's head, and reveals that he is Sharezan. Ais expresses her shock and says that she had suspected Nilto. Ais tries to shoot Tain with her zinkall, but it puffs and fails; Tain had given her a defective one. Tain tells her that he had Lokmlen plant a firetrap in the orphanage she grew up in, and he is going to go to her house to kill her family, but she won't have time to save them both. He then instructs his men to hold her for one minute and then let her go. Tain runs off and his men start the countdown. As soon as they release her, she desperately searches for and finds a trackt on the street and, between gasps, tells him to go secure the orphanage. Then, out of breath, she stumbles to her house. When she nears the house, she hears a loud banging sound coming from inside and in a panic, afraid of what she will find, runs upstairs. When she gets inside, she sees Tain, holding a sword, being thrown through a wall by Kenton. Kenton tells her that [[Mellis]] and [[Melloni]] are safe, and that this "assassin" was about to kill them. Kenton then explains that he came to ask her something about Raagent, and when he saw an armed man entering the house, he immediately assumed he was an assassin coming to kill him and reflexively lashed out with his sand. When Ais tells him that this attacker was really Sharezan, Kenton moves to kill him, but Ais stops him, saying that Sharezan must face proper justice. Ais weeps with her family and thanks Kenton.
Kenton thinks about how this isn;t a fight, but an execution as he ends up on the ground again, with Drile standing over and saying they both want change but Kenton is too much like Praxton and refuses to listen to others. Kenton asks him to shut up and finish it.
The next day Ais goes to Heelis to resign her position, but Heelis asks her to keep her job for at least one more day, and Ais agrees. All of the Taishin and a large crowd gather in the Diem to watch the fight between Kenton and Drile. Elorin gives each of them a drink from different ceremonial bowls, and the fight begins. Kenton is quickly overpowered by Drile and ends up on the ground, with Drile standing over him and taunting him.
{{anchor|Chapter 18}}
*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Allstren Cynder]]
*[[Lord Mason|Lady Mason]]
*[[Autonomy]] (appearance only)
*[[NiltoCynder]] (mentionedappearance only)
*[[N'Teese]] (mentioned and appearance only)
;Plot Summary
Kenton remembers the day he entered the Diem when his father tried to stop him, saying he was too weak. He remembers how he never gave up and gets back on his feet, fighting back. He realizes that his strong point is his ability and skill to maximise the potential of one ribbon. Instead of splitting his focus among many ribbons, Kentons uses his one ribbon to disrupt ribbon after ribbon, frustrating Drile. In a move of seeming desperation, Drile attempts to do what Praxton did in the [[Kerla]], and create an explosion of sand to overpower Kenton. Kenton tries warning him that it is too dangerous and he shouldn't do it, and indeed, abruptly, Drile collapses in a circle of black sand. Kenton spares Drile's life, and he is carried away on a stretcher, extremely dehydrated.
With the fight won, Kenton turns to the watching Lady Judge and requests that the Taishin hold their vote immediately in the Diem. Heelis agrees and begins taking the votes. Aarik, Vey, Gennel, Rite, The Lord Mason's representative, and Lokkall all vote in favor of the Diem leaving one vote, Heelis's, remaining. Heelis says that since she is biased in favor of the Diem, she is giving her vote to Senior Trackt Ais, and she will decide the Diem's fate. Ais, thinking of how Kenton just saved her family, goes against her Kerztian religious principles and votes in favor of the Diem. Khriss hugs Kenton in celebration, but then Dirin comes to get Kenton, saying that Drile wants to speak with him.
:''Flashback Vision—The Kerla''
Kenton sees a vision of the day he tested to enter the Diem and considers if it is a dream or a hallucination. Instead of the words spken then, the vision Kenton and Praxton are discussing the fight with Drile. Vision Kenton says he now agrees with Praxton that he never belonged in the Diem. Vision Praxton reminds Kenton that he claimed to be as good as any Mastrell with only one ribbon and that he is losing not because he is weaker, but becuse he is trying to be something he is not. Kenton himslef thinks about how that optimistic boy really beleived he could be as good as any Mastrell with one ribbon. Kenton realizes that it is not how much power you have— is how you use what power you have.
:''The Diem's Pit''
Kenton stands back up thinking on how he doesn't need more ribbons—he only needs one. On the sidelines, Elorin and Dirin discuss how Kenton is lasting so long while Kenton's single ribbons darts quickly through all of Drile's ribbons, cutting them down. Drile falls and begins to lose his temper. As drile attacks again, Kenton notes that intercepting ribbons is just like Zo'Ken and that Drile already looks dangerously dehydrated, while his single ribbons uses far less water.
In a move of seeming desperation, Drile attempts to do what Praxton did in the Kerla, and create an explosion of sand to overpower Kenton. Kenton tries warning him that it is too dangerous and he shouldn't do it. Kenton then covers his arm with sand and tacles Drile, causing all of the mastered sand to go stale. Kenton calls for water and a stetcher while Drile asks why and how Kenton saved him. Kenton explains that, just like two ribbons colliding head-on, by tackling him while they were both mastering sand it cancelled all of the ribbons. Kenton them helps Drile to stand and tells him he is ready to listen and work together. Then Drile is carried away on a stretcher, extremely dehydrated.
Khriss makes her way to the sand floor to ongratulate him, but Kenton says one battle remains, Kenton turns to the watching Lady Judge and requests that the Taishin hold their vote immediately in the Diem. Heelis agrees after confirming that Kenton will not be able to "quibble technicalities" and if they vote now the decision will be final. High Judge Heelis begins taking the votes. Aarik, Vey, Gennel, Rite, The Lady Mason, and Lokkall all vote in favor of the Diem leaving only one vote.
Kenton relates that he has met her conditions, the Diem's debts are paid (by the Lord Merchant), and the Diem has a single leader. Heelis says there was a third condition, that of gaining the support of the people of Lossand. Heelis says that since she is biased in favor of the Diem, she chose the person in the Hall most opposed to the Diem to be his guard. The Hall's vote will be cast by Senior Trackt Ais, because if he could win her over, then Kenton could convince other citizens.
:''The Diem's Pit''
Ais recalls telling Kenton how he would try to win her favor or build comraderie with her. How, even if he saved her life she would not be blinded to his blasphemies. She then recalls how he saved something far more important. She tells the Judge (and audiance) how Kenton not only aided her, but did so while abiding by her terms, so she votes in favor of the Diem. Khriss runs out, telling Kenton how N'Teese had been translating everything for them and congratulates him on saving the Diem. Ais walks away thinking she had betrayed her family the day prior and has now betrayed her god.
Dirin comes to get Kenton, saying that Drile wants to speak with him.
:''The Diem's Infirmary''
Drile congratulates Kenton on securing his position as Lord Mastrell and the Diem's future as a whole. Kenton tells Drile that he has good ideas and that serving the people and charging for services helps hold the Diem accountable for their actions. Drile relates that he dehydrated tooquickly during their fight—the same effects that killed the Mastrells in the Kerla. Kenton admist he felt it as well. Together, they theorize that someone must have sabotaged their fight so they would kill each other, or possibly overburn and kill the Taishin as well. Kenton realizes that it must have been Elorin, who presented the water at both the promtion cermony and the fight.
:''Elorin's Chambers''
Kenton goes to confront Elorin about the matter. Elorin admits that he poisoned the bowl with [[KaDo]], a Kerztian spice that accelerates dehydration and lowers inhibitions making it more likely for them to act rashly. Kenton asks if he has been the one coordinating the assassins. Then asks why he betrayed the Diem. Elorin says that the Sand Lord appeared to him and he realized that the Ker'Reen faith is true.
Elorin relates how he converted six months ago and that was why he gave up the position as head of the Acolents. He stopped mastering sand and allowed people to assume he had burnt out. He says that the A'Kar told him to remain in the Diem so he could orchestrate its downfall from within. He then says that because it is a new day, he is allowed to try assassinating Kenton again. Eloring pulls out a zinkall and shoots a terken arrow at Kenton. Kenton dodges while sending a ribbon of sand through Elorin's heart, killing him; but takes a grazing wound to the arm. Ais comes in saying she heard the end of the conversation, to include Kentons pleas to not attack. In her judgement it was self defense. She then adds that since the head of the assassins is now dead, Kenton should be safe until he makes another powerful enemy. He asks if she would return if the assassins do, but Ais, thinking of spending time with family, tells him she has other important tasks.
=== Epilogue ===
*[[Kenton]] (Point of View)
*[[Ais]] (Point of View)
*[[Heelis]] (Point of View)
*[[Khrissalla]] (Point of View)
*[[Cynder]] (appearance only)
*[[Melloni]](mentioned only)
*[[Autonomy]] (appearance only)
;Plot Summary
Drile congratulates Kenton on securing his position as Lord Mastrell and the Diem's future as a whole. Drile says that he felt weak during their fight - the same weakness he felt during the battle in the Kerla. Together, they theorize that someone must have sabotaged their fight in order for the weaker leader, Kenton, to become Lord Mastrell, hoping that it would lead to a weaker Diem. They realize that someone must have poisoned the water they drank at the Kerla, and that it must have been Elorin, who gave Drile his water before their fight. Kenton goes to confront Elorin about the matter. Elorin admits that he poisoned the bowl with [[KaDo]], a Kerztian spice that accelerates dehydration. He says that the [[Sand Lord]] appeared to him and he realized that the Ker'Reen faith is true. He says that the A'Kar told him to remain in the Diem so he could orchestrate its downfall from within. He shoots a terken arrow from his zinkall at Kenton but misses, and Kenton sends a ribbon of sand through his heart, killing him.
:''Two weeks later—The Docks''
Two weeks later, Kenton is preparing to say goodbye to Khriss, Baon, and Cynder, who are boarding a ship back to Darkside. They are also taking several large barrels of charged sand with them to experiment with as well as Dirin, presumably as a test subject since no one else on Darkside can master sand. Kenton promises to visit sometime to see what Darkside is like and to bring Dirin back.
Ais is on the roof of her house, praying, and Mellis joins her. She tells him that she has to go on a journey to the deep sand to get answers, and Mellis insists that they go together.
:''The Diem''
Kenton and Drile lead the Diem together in a new direction, bringing families to live in the Diem, serving the people of Lossand with their powers, and turning the Diem into a profitable business.
:''The Hall''
Serin reports to Heelis that after the Diem's reinstatement, the A'Kar's support has crumbled, and Heelis remarks that the A'Kar is resolute and will likely come back to power before too long.
:''Border Ocean''
On the ship to Darkside Hoid is playing a song, while Baon tries to master sand. To his surprise, he succeeds.