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:''Day 2929—On a ship''
Somewhere in the [[Border Ocean]]'s terminal storm Duchess [[Khrissalla]] is repairing a [[Dayside]] pocket watch to prove that the Dayside timekeeping differs from [[Darkside]] hours and minutes. As the storm abates and the seas calm she and [[Baon]] venture on deck and into unfiltered sunlight for the first time. They find that Professors [[Allstren Cynder]] and [[Jon Acron]] have already come on deck. Baon admonishes [[Flennid]] and the soldiers for failing to hide their pistols, as ordered. Khriss takes some time alone to reread the letter that informed her of Prince [[Gevalden]]'s death. Baon joins her and they discuss the purpose of their mission - to find the Sand Mages that Prince Gevalden sought and gain their aid against Emperor [[Skathan]].
:''Ten days laterlater—Mt. KraeDa''
[[Kenton]] and [[Traiben]] approach the [[Diem]]'s meeting area near Mount [[KraeDa]] and use their [[sand mastery]] to sandboard down the dune approaching the tents. Kenton attempts to match Traiben's speed despite only haveing access to a single sand ribbon; while Traiben is a [[Mastrell]] and able to control over 15 ribbons. Over lunch [[Acolent]] Kenton is challenged by [[Lestrell]] [[Yeeden]] to a round of [[Zo'Kel]] because [[Dirin]] had claimed nobody could move sand faster than Kenton. Kenton mocks Yeeden for only selecting one target per ribbon that he can control, so Yeeden adds one more target and successfully destroys all ten. Kenton asks the Zo'Kel launcher to launch all 25 red [[lak]] in the bet, telling Yeeden he can keep any that survive the round. Kenton then destroys all twenty-five with his single, very fast ribbon. [[Mastrell]] [[Drile]] then arrives from his travels and scolds Yeeden for sparring lowly acolents, he then mocks Kenton for believing that an acolent can survive running the [[Mastrell's Path]].
:''Day 3939—Dayside''
Duchess Khrissalla and company have arrived at the port of [[Dosha-Har'Ken]]. They leave Private [[Torth]] to watch the luggage, while Baon, Flennid and the Professors join Khrissalla in searching for supplies. They find that every time their linguist, Professor Cynder, tries speaking "Daysider language" to somebody, they scream and run away. Professor Acron notices a merchant with a sign in [[Dynastic]] and the group begins purchasing supplies. The merchant also offers his nephew [[Daazk]] as a guide for them to travel to [[Lossand]]. In the distance, they hear some Daysider language that they can understand and come upon the [[A'Kar]] preaching in a public square. Cynder attempts to talk to the speaker, who denounces them for using the holy language - aslanguage—as they retreat they realize the reason that nobody would talk to them was because they had learned the language of the clergy.
{{anchor|Part One}}