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Jason tells Coln to bring Denise over, and he takes them back to Phone Company headquarters on Earth. He explains to Coln that FTL capabilities are powered by cytonics rather than technology. Lanna comes in, and Jason introduces her as his wife, to Coln's surprise. As medics start attending to him, Jason contacts Sonn through holovid, asking if the varvax lock their discontents away. Sonn confirms this, and says other races do this as well. Jason is shocked by the revelation, now realizing that the ambassador, a discontent, was the one who initiated the swap with Denise to infiltrate human society, rather than the other way around, in hopes of getting their hands on human technology, which is superior to the aliens'. He cuts the link and tells Lanna to prepare a press release announcing that the Phone Company has finally developed FTL travel.
=== Later Years & Death===
During the events of Cytonic, Spensa watches a series of memories from ancient cytonics. Jason is featured in two, where it is revealed that after his wife Lanna died, he created an AI based on her memories and personality. After learning that AIs can start to develop emotions in the Nowhere, he brought her orb in hopes to bring sapience to Lanna-AI.