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(lux chapter 9)
After [[Dan]] dies, Jax takes his brother's class ring and his sword as mementos.{{book ref|lux|3}}
Jax is a skilled mechanic. He routinely works on motivators[[motivator]]s{{citebook ref|lux|8}}, and when he was growing up, he put together antique muskets with Dan.{{book ref|lux|3}} He is capable of repurposing a variety of electronic devices to suit his needs.{{book ref|lux|8}}
Jax is a skilled swordsman. Often wielding [[Shiloh]], Jax trained in sword combat with Zeff at the Coop. He had to block 100,000 times before he was allowed to strike once, ensuring that he has a very solid understanding of the basics.{{book ref|lux|7}} After hours of training, Jax develops an instinctual understanding of where [[Zeff]] will strike while sparring.{{book ref|lux|8}}
Jax is determined to be a hero: a person who helps others. He is determined to prevent others from feeling the loss he has felt.{{book ref|lux|3}} He fights to protect nice things for others, realizing that not having those things for himself is the cost of being a hero.{{book ref|lux|6}}
== History ==
=== [[Coop|The Coop]] ===
Jax spends 14 hours every day training under [[Zeff]] to become an assassin. His exercises include flinch training (learning how to not flinch in various situations), combat training, strength training, and peaches training (strength training, but while wearing a backpack full of cans of peaches).{{book ref|lux|7}} At night, Jax sneaks out to learn about and work on motivators.{{book ref|lux|8}}
== Relationships ==