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Another power related to the Bondsmiths is the ability to create{{book ref|sa4|107}} and view immersive real-seeming visions{{book ref|sa1|18}} of events real and imagined.{{book ref|sa1|75}} It is uncertain whether this ability is exclusive to the Stormfather's Bondsmith. For the Stormfather's Bondsmith this is an ability that progresses with the ideals. Initially the Bondsmith is brought into the visions each storm without their consent,{{book ref|sa1|18}} and the visions may be confusing and difficult to understand at first,{{book ref|sa1|75}} acting out their actions inside the visions in real life as well.{{book ref|sa1|19}} As time progresses, they later may cease having to act out the visions. While eventually the Bondsmith may enter a vision at any point, he may only bring along others who are inside of a highstorm.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
{{image|Choose a Side.jpg|Dalinar brings Venli into a vision|side=right|height=400px}}
Initially the Stormfather may grant a specific set of visions crafted by [[Honor]] prior to his death to instruct a future Bondsmith in the fight against Odium.{{book ref|sa1|75}} Eventually a Bondsmith may create their own visions for others to experience.{{book ref|sa4|107}} These visions involve forging a Connection between a person and something of significance that they are Connected to,{{book ref|sa4|107}} perhaps something they desire, a hope or a wish, such as when Dalinar grants Kaladin his vision of [[Tien]].{{book ref|sa4|108}} The person that experiences the vision may need to be in a highstorm in order for the Bondsmith to create the Connection for a vision. These visions may occur in an instant, as time slows during the centerbeat of the highstorm.{{book ref|sa4|110}}