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;Plot Summary
Sja-anat moves through the Kholinar palace, living on the edge between the [[Physical Realm|Physical]] and [[Cognitive Realm]]. She thinks about how she is only able to keep a few chosen secrets from Odium. As she feels Odium approaching, she meets with two touched WinsprenWindspren (ones the humans would call "corrupted") and sends them away. This is intended to serve as a distraction for Odium: She also sends a touched radiant spren to Urithiru, to observe [[Mraize]] and then either bond with him or whoeverwhomever else the spren chooses.
Shortly after, Odium arrives and questions Sja-anat on the spren she sent away. She keeps up a pretense of working for Odium, even though both know that she wantedwants more freedom. Ultimately, Odium commands her to ignore Urithiru and instead observe Taravangian.
{{Anchor|Interlude 3}}