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|parents=[[Brightlord Seveks]]
|residence=Alethi warcamps
==Appearance and Personality==
Malasha is presumablylikely [[Alethi]] since she was present in the warcamps in the [[Shattered Plains]]. She wears her hair up in braids and is considered to be very nice looking.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
She is curious about war and asks Adolin if she can accompany him to the battlefield; she becomes annoyed when he will not let her come. Dalinar considers a woman desiring to watch the fighting to be "unnatural".{{book ref|sa1|26}} Malasha's interest in war is indeed unusual given Adolin's description of her as "rather religious",{{book ref|sa1|24}} since the [[Vorin]] work ''[[Arts and Majesty]]'' expressly defines combat as a masculine art.{{book ref|sa1|26}}