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== Attributes and Abilities ==
[[File:Visions of the Future.jpg|thumb|leftright|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Ari Ibarra}}</small></center> Renarin seeing the future]]
Renarin has a "blood weakness" (epilepsy), which prevents him participating in activities of great physical stress, including combat. The weakness affects him in episodes, during which he grows pale and his limbs go weak, to the point of trembling or possible collapse.{{book ref|twok|52}} When speaking with Kaladin, Renarin reveals that his weakness is epileptic, with the seizures manifesting as a loss of control of a limb or a little bit of twitching, occasionally experiencing weakness along one side of his body. Kaladin guesses that these are [[Wikipedia: myoclonus|myoclonic seizures]].