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Rysn and Vstim's next adventure was in the [[Reshi Sea]]. They made their way with a caravan of sixteen longboats laden with people and goods purchased cheaply in lands rimming the [[Purelake]], guided by a Purelaker named [[Gu]]. Rysn acted as the trademaster because of Vstim's sickness. Rysn was astonished to learn that the "islands" the [[Reshi]] lived on were really the backs of gartantuousgargantuan [[greatshell]]s called [[Tai-na]]. She was Like in Shinovar, she foundviewed thelocal localscustoms toas be primitivesprimitive and werewas dismissive of them. Once they landed, Vstim told herRysn that she would have to trade with the Reshi. becauseVstim's hisillness weaknessmade him weak, and that would ruin the deal. andHe totold beRysn bold while dealing withthat the Reshi forappreciated theystrength would appreciate thatboldness. WhileOn Rysn,her alongway with [[Kylrm]] and [[Nlent]], was making her way to the meeting with the Reshi trademaster, she ran acrosssaw people jumping from the topshell of the Tai'-na to the sea. An [[Aimian]] named [[Axies the Collector]], who was hanging upside down and tied by his feet to a shell nearby as a punishment for asking the king about the soul of his god, informed her that the Reshi did this asto ashow sign oftheir courage. TheyRysn continued climbing all the way up to the head of the ''Tai-na''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s head to be met bymeet the King, who was a woman, to Rysn's surprise, andturned herout guardsto be a woman. A man named [[Talik]] steppedspoke forwardfor the King and askedintroduced Rysntheir island's god as [[Relu-na]], then asked why Vstim was not attending. Rysn informed him she was authorized to handle the trade, but Talik told her that the deal was off. Rysn continued trying to convince Talik to take the deal, and managed to impress the king enough to speak with her directly. However, thealthough kingall eventuallyshe informeddid herwas inform Rysn that she would not complete the trade, withchoosing Rysn,instead and wouldto wait orfor Vstim to recover from his illness. Rysn, believing that Vstim's illness was fatal, andwas thinking the only waydesperate to gainclose the Reshi'sdeal. respectDeciding enoughthere towas completeonly theone trade that day wasway to show her boldness, she climbed down the feeding rope thatused hadto been lowered tofeed the Tai-na whose name Talik had told her was Relu-na. Sheand pleaded her case directly to the island's god directly, in the hopes of showing her boldness, and in spite of the concerned commands of the king. She hung there for a time, speakingin todirect thedisobedience with the godKing's orders, only forbut Relu-na's motions to catch the rope and snapsnapped it in two, leaving Rysn to fall. Falling down, forFor a split second she saw the greatshell's eye of Relu-na, then felt a rush of wind andas she crashed into the sea., Shethen fell unconscious.
Rysn and Vstim's next adventure was in the [[Reshi Sea]]. They made their way with a caravan of sixteen longboats laden with people and goods purchased cheaply in lands rimming the [[Purelake]], guided by a Purelaker named [[Gu]]. Rysn acted as the trademaster because of Vstim's sickness.
Rysn was astonished to learn that the "islands" the [[Reshi]] lived on were really the backs of gartantuous [[greatshell]]s called [[Tai-na]]. She was Like in Shinovar, she found the locals to be primitives and were dismissive of them. Once they landed, Vstim told her that she would have to trade with the Reshi because his weakness would ruin the deal and to be bold while dealing with the Reshi for they would appreciate that. While Rysn, along with [[Kylrm]] and [[Nlent]], was making her way to the meeting the Reshi trademaster, she ran across people jumping from the top of the Tai'na to the sea. An [[Aimian]] named [[Axies the Collector]], who was hanging upside down and tied by his feet to a shell nearby as a punishment for asking the king about the soul of his god, informed her that the Reshi did this as a sign of courage. They continued climbing all the way to the ''Tai-na''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s head to be met by the King, who was a woman to Rysn's surprise, and her guards. A man named Talik stepped forward and asked Rysn why Vstim was not attending. Rysn informed him she was authorized to handle the trade but Talik told her the deal was off. Rysn continued trying to convince Talik to take the deal, and managed to impress the king enough to speak with her directly. However, the king eventually informed her that she would not complete the trade with Rysn, and would wait or Vstim to recover from his illness. Rysn, believing that Vstim's illness was fatal, and thinking the only way to gain the Reshi's respect enough to complete the trade that day was to show her boldness, climbed down the feeding rope that had been lowered to the Tai-na whose name Talik had told her was Relu-na. She pleaded her case to the island's god directly, in the hopes of showing her boldness, and in spite of the concerned commands of the king. She hung there for a time, speaking to the the god, only for Relu-na's motions to catch the rope and snap it in two, leaving Rysn to fall. Falling down, for a split second she saw the eye of Relu-na, then felt a rush of wind and crashed into the sea. She fell unconscious.
|Rysn to Vstim{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}
When sheRysn woke up back on a longboat, where Vstim told her ''Relu-na'' had slowed her fall and saved her life. Rysn's legs were shattered in the fall, however, and she would never walk again. Rysn soon figured out that Talik was a former apprentice of Vstim, hethat Vstim wasn't as sick as he appeared, to Rysn and he had set upthat the trade withhad thebeen Reshifinalized aslong abefore practicetheir runarrival, forand Rysn.that Vstim told her she had bothset herup legsthe shatteredmeeting andwith hethe didn'tReshi knowso ifthat sheRysn wouldcould walkpractice again.negotiating Hein tolda her,controlled howeverenvironment, but that shenow wouldthe mostReshi would definitely trade with her again, and that the other Reshi islandsso would lineall upthe toother trade with themisles. He told her theyThey had come to the island to trade for the corpse of a [[larkin]]., Rysna wasspecies alsobelieved to be extinct by the rest of the world, but the Reshi gifted withRysn a live larkinone byin Relu-nareverence for her bravery.{{book ref|sa2|i|2}}
=== Thaylen Gemstone Reserve ===
Vstim was brought into her office by a guard, where he offers her the captain’s cord to an expensive ship Wandersail, and reveals that he’s the auditor. Rysn reveals that she approached a radiant to heal her legs, but she’d waited too long and thought of the legs as her own.
After she’d done her part in opening the Gemstone vault, she’s carried by guards along to Vault Thirteen - which held the King’s Drop - when the guard holding her chair was killed by a queen’s guard. Rysn pulled herself along the floor, tying the King’s Drop to her leg using the captain’s cord after the traitor dropped it fighting with other guards, and made her way towards the door, grabbing the crossbow of a fallen guard as she did. She realisedrealized she can’t cock it as she can’t stand, so she tied the captains cord to the crossbow and her chair in a makeshift pulley. She watched as Chiri-Chiri fed on the Voidlight the traitor was holding, then shot the Singer through the chin.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} Rysn was later found lying next to Vstim's injured body by [[Dalinar]], after the Gemstone Reserve had come under further attack. She informed Dalinar that the enemy had stolen the King's Drop.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
== Trivia ==