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=== Era of Solitude ===
| Led by the ancient Herald Nalan'Elin—often simply called Nale—the Skybreakers are the only order of Radiants that did not betray its oaths during the Recreance. They have maintained a continuous clandestine line from ancient days.
| [[Mraize]]'s letter to [[Shallan]]{{book ref|sa3|40}}
The Skybreakers were also the only Order that did not partake in the [[Recreance]] and remained active in the following two millennia.{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa3|40}}{{book ref|sa3|90}} It is mentioned by [[Mraize]] that [[Helaran Davar]] had been attempting to locate the Skybreakers, and that Nale had recruited him, although he was not worthy of a spren bond before he died.{{cite}}