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The Bronze Palace is located in the capital of [[Azir]], [[Azimir]]. It lays a short distance away from the Grand Market in the city centre.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
The name is derived from the palace's distinctive appearance: everything within, from the plants and rocks to the buildings themselves, is made entirely out of [[Soulcasting|soulcastSoulcast]] bronze.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} This even includes trees, which serve a purely decorative purpose.{{wob ref|2737}}
A tall wall encircles the whole palace complex. Within, the Bronze Palace is comprised of a series of rounded, bulbous-looking buildings reminescent of giant [[rockbud]]s, coated in metal leaf.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Many of them have spires on the top and numerous windows on the upper floors. The main structure is the largest building in the palace and contains, among others, the [[vizier]]s' chambers, the kitchens and the [[Prime Aqasix|Prime]]'s living quarters.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
The areas between the buildings are flat, with roads wide enough for carriages to ride through. There are several different gardens there, including one of soulcastSoulcast plants and a sculpture garden. The latter serves as a meeting place for the important officials to discuss state matters. Those officials, as well as visiting diplomats, travel between the various buildings by chull-pulled rikshaws.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}{{book ref|sa3|65}}
Within the main structure, illumination is provided by [[sphere]]-filled metal lamps and chandeliers. The chambers of the palace are decorated in traditional Azish style, rugs with large patterns covering every surface. The corridors between them are wide and about fifteen feet tall, with paintings hanging on the walls and blue and red carpets on the floors. In contrast, the passage leading directly to the Prime's bedroom is quite narrow, to prevent anyone sneaking by. However, there are small ornamental ledges near the ceiling, although they are too narrow to walk on without assistance. The corridors used by the servants are hidden from the palace's representative sections by false walls.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
== History ==
It's unknown when precisely the Bronze Palace has been constructed. At some point, perhaps during its creation, it was [[Soulcasting|soulcastSoulcast]] into bronze, as a proof of the Azir wealth and prosperity.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
During the year 1773, the Palace saw numerous would-be [[Prime Aqasix|Primes]] assassinated on its grounds by the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]]. It was during that time that [[Lift]], [[Gawx]] and the rest of [[:Category: Huqin's crew|Huqin's crew]] attempted to rob it, leading to [[Gawx]] becoming the new Prime Aqasix after he was killed by [[Nale]] and subsequently healed by [[Lift]].{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
