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Organized the Steel Ministry and looked after the religious side of things.
==== Canton of Finance ====
The bank of the Final Empire. It was in charged of the financial operations of the Final Empire. Their work included the transport of funds.
The Canton's headquarters was an imposing building. It was tall and blocky with a massive rose window in the front, with two red banners hanging down beside the window, proclaiming praises to the [[Lord Ruler]]. Upon entering the building, one would find a desk at the end of an extended entryway, with an obligator manning the desk. Decorations within the building were sparse and lacking. It was often described as austere, bearing only the most necessary furniture and simple grey carpeting, the walls also lacking adornments. An exception to that rule was the waiting room. With plush chairs and lavish décor, the room clearly catered to the tastes of visiting noblemen.{{book ref|mb1|2}}
==== Canton of Resource ====
There are many philosophers in the Steel Ministry and most end up in the Canton of Resource, the best place for those with analytical minds. {{annotation ref|mb3|chapter=43}}
Tasked with trade, transport, and taxation.
It was in charge of maintaining supply lines to the other Cantons, for feeding the people and maintaining the canals.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
==== [[Canton of Inquisition]] ====
During the [[Final Empire]] the Canton of Inquisition was run by the Steel Inquisitors, and acted as law enforcement, especially over the allomantic community. Obligators of the Canton of Inquisition had tattoos that rimmed the eyes, spreading outward like cracks of lightning, with the addition of a stark red line on the side of their face. {{book ref|mb1|27}} In addition to dealing with anyone that went against Ministry protocol, the Canton of Inquisition also had bases all around the city of [[Luthadel]], called Soothing stations. These were to dampen the emotions of everyone in the area, calming and depressing them. In addition, it is possible that many Inquisitors found skaa Mistings this way. {{book ref|mb1|27}}
Organized the [[Steel Inquisitor]]s and acted as law enforcement over the Allomantic community.
It was in charged of the financial operations of the Final Empire. Their work included the transport of funds. The majority of [[atium]] mined at [[Pits of Hathsin]] was transported along with the coins, in order to hide them from [[Ruin]]'s view.{{cite}}
The Canton's headquarters was an imposing building. It was tall and blocky with a massive rose window in the front, with two red banners hanging down beside the window, proclaiming praises to the [[Lord Ruler]]. Upon entering the building, one would find a desk at the end of an extended entryway, with an obligator manning the desk. Decorations within the building were sparse and lacking. It was often described as austere, bearing only the most necessary furniture and simple grey carpeting, the walls also lacking adornments.
An exception to that rule was the waiting room. With plush chairs and lavish décor, the room clearly catered to the tastes of visiting noblemen.{{book ref|mb1|2}}
It was in charge of maintaining supply lines to the other Cantons, for feeding the people and maintaining the canals.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
The national headquarters of the Canton of Resource was in [[Luthadel]] while the [[Western Dominance|Western Dominance's]] regional headquarters was in [[Fadrex City]]{{book ref|mb3|27}} and housed one of the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] supply caches.{{book ref|mb3|44}}
During the [[Final Empire]] the '''Canton of Inquisition''' of the [[Steel Ministry]] was run by the Steel Inquisitors, and acted as law enforcement, especially over the magical elements of society. Obligators of the Canton of Inquisition were marked by the regular Ministry tattoos with the addition of a stark red line.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
In addition to dealing with anyone that went against Ministry protocol, the Canton of Inquisition also had bases all around the city of [[Luthadel]], called Soothing stations. These were to dampen the emotions of everyone in the area, calming and depressing them. In addition, it is possible that many Inquisitors found skaa Mistings this way.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
By revealing that Vin was the daughter of the Lord Prelan Tevidian, shortly before the death of the Lord Ruler, the Canton of Inquisition gained dominance over the other Cantons.{{book ref|mb1|36}}
In [[The Well of Ascension]], Sazed and Marsh visited [[Conventical of Seran]], was a sort of temple for the Inquisitors. Sazed is the only non-Inquisitor to ever enter and leave alive. While there, Sazed discovers a message inscribed in a sheet of metal. The epigraphs in The Well of Ascension are taken from this message.
=== Year 1022 ===
TheyIn arethe eventuallyyear given1022, the dominanceMinistry whenis theypresided over by Lord Prelan [[Tevidian]]. The Canton of Orthodoxy was the currently leading Canton. After members of the Canton of Inquisition capture Vin and prove that she is the Lord Prelan's half-breed daughter, they gain control of the Ministry. {{book ref|mb1|36}}
=== Post-[[Catacendre]] ===
The Steel Ministry doesn't exist in it's former state following [[Sazed]]'s Ascension. There are echoes of the organization left, but because the leaders of the people were members of [[Kelsier]]'s crew, most of it is gone. There were a few notable Obligators who made it through the Catacendre and they left their own marks. Some cities have more of an influence from the Ministry than others. {{wob ref|221}}
There is a Canton of Cartography in Elendel. {{map ref|Elendel}} There is also a road named Canton Avenue in one of [[Allomancer Jak's]] stories, likely based on a real street in Elendel. {{
Canton of Cartography
"Cantonesque" architecture is described as having long flights of steps and stained-glass windows banners. {{book ref|bom|11}}
Canton Avenue
cantonesque architecture
== Culture ==
The Steel MInistryMinistry was notorious for taking bribes. It functioned similar to being its own noble house, with contracts and agreements to gain wealth and leverage. Corruption was commonplace, during the Final Empire. [[wob ref|5498}} Rising through the ranks of the Ministry was very influenced by Allomantic abilities. Those with abilities, especially with metals judged to be valuable, rose quickly and were placed in positions of power. {{annotation reference|mb3|chapter=74}} [[Atium]] mistings were one of the most valuable. In order to search them out and recruit them, Inquisitors would put trace amounts of the godmetal into the nobility's drinks at balls periodically. They would then cause a disturbance while burning bronze to seek out those who began to burn the metals instinctively. When someone joined the Ministry who was not already a Misting, they would unknowingly be given a larger amount of atium and forced through a series of rituals designed to drain the recruit physically so his body would reactively burn the metal. {{wob ref|6119}} Both men and women could be part of the Steel Ministry and some women even became Inquisitors. {wob ref|5533}}
Noblemen would address Inquisitors, and presumably obligators, as "Your Grace". {wob ref|7764}}
There was a long standing rivalry between the various Cantons for control of the Ministry.
To find
== Doctrine ==
