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(→‎History: clarify- very different description of the pool Hoid uses)
m (→‎History: caps)
After Raoden's injury by [[Dilaf]], Galladon and Karata took Raoden to the Pool to kill him; planning to then kill themselves.{{book ref|Elantris|60}} Fighting through the pain, Raoden realized that Elantris was in the shape of [[Aon#Rao|Aon Rao]]. He successfully managed to resist the Pool's temptation to give in to the relief from his pains, and emerged from the Pool unharmed.{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
At some point, [[Hoid]] [[worldhop]]s from a pool near Elantris after failing to become an Elantrian. This pool seems to be in a similar area as the poolPool visited by Raoden, but it is described as very small, crystalline, and "perhaps waist-deep".{{book ref|Elantris|part=postscript}}
== Trivia ==