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Another type of spren that give access to Shadesmar are [[Inkspren]]. They bond to [[Elsecaller]]s and follow the same structure of Oaths as the orders besides Lightweavers.
Both Orders can use the glass beads in Shadesmar to form various structures that can be used there. For example, [[Jasnah]] can create a raft out of Shadesmar beads that she could stand safely on.{{book ref|WoK|70}} While trapped in Shadesmar, Shallan uses this ability on several occasions. While attempting to use the [[Thaylen City]] [[Oathgate]], she makes a wall physically appear there, rather than just being made of beads. This is called manifesting, and is described as being dangerous by Captain [[Notum]].
It seems likely that at the least, [[Willshapers]] also have some direct connection to Shadesmar.
[[Stormlight]] (or an alternative source of [[Investiture]]) is needed{{book ref|WoK|70}} in order to control objects in Shadesmar, as well as for [[Soulcasting]]. Traveling there without sufficient Stormlight is considered to be perilous.
When [[Shallan]] tries to use the corrupted [[Oathgate]] in [[Kholinar]] it transports all those in the control room to Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|87}} [[Azure]] tells them that the way to get out is to go to where the [[Horneater Peaks]] are in the Physical Realm and use [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]].{{book ref|sa3|93}}
== Notes ==
