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(Added third ideal quote from OB. Spoilered the top of the page to give plenty of warning buffer.)
=== The First Ideal ===
Also known as the Ideal of Radiance.
|Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
=== The Second Ideal ===
Also called the Ideal of Justice, this is a specific oath to seek and administer justice.
|I will put the law before all else.
=== The Third Ideal ===
Also called the Ideal of Dedication, this is a specific oath to dedicate oneself to a greater truth. A Skybreaker must first bond their highspren before taking this oath, and it is the minimum oath required before the Surge of Division is taught.
|I swear to follow the will of Dalinar Kholin. This is my oath.
|The Third Ideal of the Skybreakers (as spoken by Szeth){{book ref|sa3|121}}
(The form of this ideal can vary, with oaths to follow the law of a particular land being more common, but not explicitly shown)
=== The Fourth Ideal ===
This Ideal is also called the Ideal of Crusade, and requires that a Skybreaker undertake a personal quest and complete it to the satisfaction of their highspren. Once completed, the Skybreaker is elevated to the rank of master.
|Cleanse Shinovar, Szeth thought. That would be his quest.{{book ref|sa3|90}}
=== The Fifth Ideal ===
Called the Ideal of Law, this requires the Skybreaker to swear an oath that they will become a personification of law and truth. Nale is the only current Skybreaker to have achieved it, as per Oathbringer.
== Abilities ==
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