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(added physical characteristics)
She arranged a marriage between herself and [[Waxillium Ladrian]] for the benefit of both their families; the Ladrians needed money, and the Harms needed a heightened social standing.{{book ref|mb4|2}} She was kidnapped by the [[Vanishers]] for her potential [[Allomantic]] powers, though while Steris has not stated one way or the other whether she actually has any allomantic abilities at all{{book ref|mb4|5}}, Marasi has sworn that she (Steris) does not. Wax, [[Wayne]] and [[Marasi]] proceeded to rescue her.{{book ref|mb4|19}}
SterisShe has blonde hair she tends to keep in a neat bun. She is not very daring in her wardrobe choices, choosing things that are nice-looking and fashionable, but not daring.
She is ridiculously thorough and logical, as evidenced by the marriage contract between herself and Waxillium{{book ref|mb4|2}}, as well as by the planner she keeps on her person at least while attending social events. Her planner details exactly what she (and Waxillium) will be doing at that social event including time of arrival and means of arrival, and the people she will have the two of them speak with at that event.{{book ref|mb5|8}}
