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At the meeting of the Highprinces Adolin worries about his effectiveness in protecting his father from the Assassin in White when he was useless the last time. While the meeting is on break he goes to Relis, current duelling champion, son of Highprince Ruthar and full Shardbearer, and tries to goad him into a duel. While Relis refuses, even with five of the Kholin’s shards on the line, he manages to hook Relis’s cousin Elit. Afterwards he is cornered by Sadeas who tells him that what he did at the Battle of the Tower was done as a kindness to Adolin’s father. Adolin threatens Sadeas with a slow death and reflects that you can abandon an ally on the battlefield and leave them to die but an offense in person is considered worse in the eyes of society. He almost punches Sadeas in the face but is stopped by [[Amaram]]. Adolin tries to convince Amaram to secede but Amaram says he must remain with Sadeas to help bridge gaps. He also says that he and Sadeas have an understanding. Adolin doubts Amaram’s sterling reputation. He is distracted however by the arrival of Shallan and struck by her beauty and when he approaches her he overhears her informing his aunt and father of Jasnah’s death.{{book ref|wor|37}}
Adolin and Shallan meet and flirt for a while before Adolin is sent away by his father. Dalinar reveals to Shallan while Adolin is away that the reason he agreed to the causal betrothal of his son was to make Adolin seem unavailable to those who would manipulate him for political gain. She has to persuade him, Navani and Adolin to turn the causal into a full betrothal. At the meeting Dalinar tells the gathered Highprinces that Adolin will win their shards from them, which they take to be a joke. {{book ref|wor|38}}
== Family ==
