Difference between revisions of "Armedius Academy"

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===Rithmatic Faculty===
;Professor [[Fitch]]: A Rithmatic professor, he specialized in Rithmatic history in his schooling and taught classes on the theory of Rithmatic defenses.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|1}}{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|5}}
;Professor Andrew [[Andrew Nalizar]]: Hired as a low-ranking tutoring professor, he gained full tenure and professorship after dueling Professor Fitch.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|1}}
;Professor [[Harris]]: A Rithmatic professor.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|4}}
;Professor [[Haberstock]]: A Rithmatic professor.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|5}}
===General Faculty===
;Professor [[Layton]]: A MathsMath professor.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|3}}
;Professor [[Langor]]: A Science professor.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|4}}
;Professor [[ZoBell]]: A Literature professor.{{ref|b|rithmatist|c|4}}