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== Philosophy ==
Those who join the Stonewards generally subscribe to a philosophy of team dynamics, on learning to work with others, and on being there for those who need them.{{wob ref|13780}} The core tenet of the order is be there when needed. They seek to take a difficult situation with few resources and make something better of it.{{wob ref|16469}} The order strives to exemplify resolve, strength, and dependability.{{epigraph ref|sa2|37}} They tend to attract those who are most interested in warfare, prowess with weapons, or athletics of any sort.{{wob ref|13780}}{{wob ref|16469}}
== Ideals of the Stonewards ==
== History ==
The ancient Stonewards were the infantry and the ground troops of the Knights Radiant; alongside the [[Windrunners]], they were considered the finest soldiers.{{wob ref|16469}} They tended to attract people interested in warfare, but also challenge, prowess with weapons, and athleticism. Throughout the world, they were widely known for being dependable, strong and filled with resolve, but also stubborn to a fault and prone to taking on projects larger than themselves. This attitude was said to be a good representation of their patron Herald.{{wob ref|13780}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|37}} They took pride in this -- to be there when they were needed was a core tenet of their order.{{wob ref|13780}}
In battle, they served as the frontline troops.{{wob ref|12085}} In times of peace, on the other hand, they were often explorers, but also sportsmen, often organizing and engaging in various competitions and events.{{wob ref|13780}}
