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Tag: status-change
|books=[[Mistborn Era 2]]
|You are fools! One day, the [[men of gold and red]], bearers of the final metal, will come to you. And you will be ruled by them. Worship. Worship [[Trell_(Trellism)|Trell]] and wait ...
|Miles Dagouter's last words{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}}
'''Miles Dagouter''', also known as '''Miles Hundredlives''',{{book ref|mb4|10}} was the former lawman of [[True Madil]] in the [[Roughs]] of [[Scadrial]] and leader of the gang of thieves and kidnappers known as the [[Vanishers]].{{book ref|mb4|11}} Miles was determined to bring the government of the Elendel to its knees in his quest to get justice for its perceived mistreatment of the people of the Roughs. Miles is a [[Twinborn]], being a [[gold]] [[Misting]] (aka aan [[Augur]]) as well as a gold [[Ferring]] (aka a [[Bloodmaker]]), which allowedallows him to [[Compounding|compound]] and become nearly unkillable.
== Appearance & Personality ==
Little of Miles Dagouter's early life is known. As an adult, he worked as the lawman of [[True Madil]]. Miles spent his time hunting down criminals, often migrants from the city. Miles' methods were brutal and he killed all men he hunted down if he got the chance.{{book ref|mb4|18}} It was there in the Roughs that Miles first met [[Waxillium Ladrian]]. The two men did not get along well, but still they managed to become allies, if not friends.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Wax and Miles occasionally worked together to enforce the law,{{book ref|mb4|2}} along with [[Jon Deadfinger]] of [[Far Dorest]], and Miles saved Wax's life on multiple occasions,{{book ref|mb4|2}} and helped Wax in his capture of [[Pars]] the Deadman.{{book ref|mb4|13}} During this time, Miles' legend grew, he became known as Miles Hundredlives for his incredible healing abilities, and tales of his heroics reached even [[Elendel]].{{book ref|mb4|10}}
|Nobody cares about the Roughs—theyRoughs—they barely seem to notice us save as a place to deposit their trash.
|Miles on the [[Roughs]]{{book ref|mb4|13}}
However, his time in the Roughs wore on Miles. He saw all that happened to those under his protection, despite his best efforts.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Miles began to feel as if his actions were a drop in the bucket compared to the sheer amount of crime coming out of Elendel. He saw it as a den of crime and corruption. His frustration with the leaders of the city who did nothing to help and themselves were a source of the corruption was incredible. As the years went by, Miles' feelings of anger continued to grow until he could take it no more. After fifteen years of keeping order in the Roughs, a disillusioned Miles decided that he needed to change tactics in order to truly help the people of the Roughs.
=== Leader of the Vanishers ===
Once the injustices of the City became too much for Miles, he left True Madil and struck out for Elendel. He came with a goal, to end the rule of the wealthy Elendel elite, punish them for their excesses, and set up a new uncorrupted government.{{book ref|mb4|15}} It is unknown how he came into contact with [[Edwarn Ladrian]] or the [[Set]],; however, they put him in charge of a gang of thieves. At some point, he rose the position of Cycle within the Set, reporting to Edwarn as his Suit.{{book ref|mb7|3}} It is also unknown how much of the Sets' goals Miles was aware of, but Miles joined them not because he shared the Set's aims, but rather in order to further his own plans for revenge against the City.{{book ref|mb4|11}} He also wanted to use the goods he stole to finance those plans.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Miles did not trust Edwarn fully though, and he tracked his movements recording railway routes and times in an old cigar box.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} During this time, Miles learned of the religion, [[Trellism]] from Edwarn, which revered Metalborn as nearly divine.{{book ref|mb4|18}} He came to agree with this belief, abandoning Survivorism to become a Trellist.{{book ref|mb4|19}}
Miles began to design the concept of the Vanishers, an idea that he developed as time went on. Miles wanted the robberies to be fantastic and confusing, to befuddle any and all who investigated as to how the crimes were taking place. He designed a barge called the [[Machine]] that had a crane capable of lifting train cars.{{book ref|mb4|17}} The core of his robberies were all the same. Miles and his men would create a disturbance to stop the train nearby a canal and while the train's engineers were distracted, Miles' barge would pick up the target train car off of the tracks and replace it with an identical but empty train car. The Vanishers would retreat and the car would proceed onward, none the wiser.
Miles again attempted to reason with Wax, claiming that their powers were divine and gave both men the right to rule, but Wax paid his words no attention.{{book ref|mb4|18}} Miles badly injured Wax by surprising him with a stick of dynamite, but due to aid from Harmony, Waxillium and his allies managed to rescue Steris and kill all of Miles men, including Push, Pull, and Miles' most loyal Vanisher, Tarson.{{book ref|mb4|19}} Wax quietly ordered Wayne to go get the constables while he and Marasi confronted Miles by himself. Miles fought Wax in a one-on-one fistfight, not realizing that Marasi, a Pulser, was burning [[cadmium]] and hours were passing by them outside the bubble. Wax and Marasi managed to keep Miles distracted long enough for Wayne to return at dawn with a small army of constables to overwhelm Miles with sheer numbers and arrest him.
Imprisoned, Miles was brought to trial, prosecuted by a man named [[Daius]] with the help of Marasi.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} He was found guilty and sentenced to execution by firing squad. Miles' metalminds were removed and he was shot multiple times. Miles continued to draw health from one last hidden goldmind, proclaiming that all that opposed him were fools. As his last goldmind was emptied, Miles screamed that they were all doomed to become slaves of [[men of redgold and goldred]], bearers of some final metal. Miles proclaimed one final time that they worship Trell, and then he died.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} These words came back to Marasi, who had attended his execution, in {{date|348|PC}} when she heard another Cycle say something similar when he died, again when other members of the Set discussed the arrival of [[Autonomy]]'s army, and a final time when she glimpsed the army herself.{{book ref|mb7|8}}{{book ref|mb7|47}}{{book ref|mb7|60}}
=== Legacy ===
Despite his leadership of the Vanishers, Miles commanded little loyalty from most of the other men within his organization. The men followed him, not out of a sense of duty or because they shared his beliefs, but instead because of their fear of him and desire for money.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Miles once fired a shotgun into his own head to prove to them that he could not be killed.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Miles' past as a lawman worries them, and when they lose to Waxillium, some wonder if Miles had colluded with Ladrian and betrayed them.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Miles has no real affection for the Vanishers himself, they are more tools in his mind and he expresses no sorrow when they are lost or captured. Miles believes that the fact that the Vanishers work for him pardons them from their previous crimes. He still carries his lighter bearing the symbol of the lawmen of True Madil, despite the fact that it makes the Vanishers uncomfortable. Miles is the mastermind behind the Vanishers' theatricality. He wants to gain attention from the City for his cause and draw people with similar beliefs to his cause. Miles also loves the notoriety that the Vanishers brings him, despite the fact that the people of Elendel fear him, they also love him as they never did when he enforced the law.{{book ref|mb4|17}}
=== Edwarn Ladrian and Thethe Set ===
:''See Also:'' [[Edwarn Ladrian]] and the [[Set]]
Miles and Edwarn Ladrian are at best allies of circumstance. Neither man particularly likes or trusts the other. Miles had the vision for the Vanishers, and Suit helped him make this vision a reality.{{book ref|mb4|17}} Miles does not like being under close observation by Edwarn,{{book ref|mb4|11}} but for his part he spends time tracking Suit's movements.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}} Edwarn likes Miles because he is usually careful in his actions, but Miles' erratic behavior dealing with Wax causes him to question this belief.{{book ref|mb4|11}} Edwarn wonders if Miles is has some lingering grudge with Waxillium from their time in the Roughs. He also does not understand Miles' obsession with creating an aura of mystery around the Vanisher robberies. Miles for his part does not like that Ladrian is a part of the Elendel nobility, but is willing to work with him to further his goals. However, Edwarn is so powerful and well-connected the Miles wonders if he has gotten himself entangled in forces beyond his control. Edwarn dislikes having to watch over his underlings too much,; he prefers to allow them to run things on their own with occasional oversight,{{book ref|mb6|18}} but Miles' actions force him to take a more active management role.{{book ref|mb4|11}} As Edwarn's trust in Miles' ability to handle Wax falters, he assigns the Allomancers Push and Pull to keep an eye on him.{{book ref|mb4|15}}
Miles did not know the Set particularly well. The Set does not like Miles,; Edwarn Ladrian has to work hard to convince them that he is effective, despite the potential liability he also offers.{{book ref|mb4|15}} Edwarn has particular trouble convincing them to continue to support Miles after the disastrous raid at the Yomen wedding. Miles has no real loyalty to the Set, as they are a part of the establishment themselves, but he is uncertain if he will eventually turn against them or not. After Miles fails to kill Wax himself, the Set fears he is becoming too well-known and orders him to go to ground for six months after his final raid. His thievery also helps to fund the Set itself. The Set always intended for Miles to be caught, and used the collapse of House Tekiel's insurance business to gain additional control of the financial sector in the Elendel Basin.{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}}
== Quotes ==
{{for|Miles Dagouter/Quotes|a list of quotes from Miles}}
|What we do, it is not outside the law. Not the true law. Oh, the rich will make their own codes, will force us to live by them. But our law is the law of humanity itself. Men who work for me, they are given the dispensation of reform. Their work here washes away their previous ... infractions. Tell them I am proud of them, Clamps. I realize we've been through something traumatic, but we did survive. We will face tomorrow with greater strength.
|Miles to the Vanishers after their defeat at the [[Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner]]{{book ref|mb4|11}}
|Nobody cares about the Roughs—they barely seem to notice us save as a place to deposit their trash.
|Miles on the Roughs{{book ref|mb4|13}}
|I am tired of doing what the city tells me. I should be helping people, not fighting meaningless fights as prescribed by the corrupt and the uncaring.
|Miles to Wax{{book ref|mb4|18}}
|You are fools! One day the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come for you and you will be ruled by them... Worship... Worship Trell and wait.
|Miles{{book ref|mb4|epilogue}}
== Development ==
== Notes ==
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{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
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